21 Now verely is ye rigtewesnes that cometh of God declared without the fulfillinge of ye lawe havinge witnes yet of ye lawe and of the Prophetes.
22 The rightewesnes no dout which is good before God cometh by ye fayth of Iesus Christ vnto all and vpon all that beleve.Ther is no differece:
19 Now therfore ye are no moare straugers and foreners: but citesyns with the saynctes and of the housholde of god:
20 and are bilt apon the foundacion of the apostles and prophetes Iesus Christ beynge the heed corner stone
4 Lytell chyldre ye are of God and have overcome them: for greater is he yt is in you then he that is in the worlde.
1 Ye beloved beleve not every sprete: but prove the spretes whether they are of God or no: for many falce Prophetes are gone out into the worlde.
22 All this was done to fulfill yt which was spoken of the Lorde by the Prophet saynge:
23 Beholde a mayde shall be with chylde and shall brynge forthe a sonne and they shall call his name Emanuel which is by interpretacion God with vs.
2 And though I coulde prophesy and vnderstode all secretes and all knowledge: yee yf I had all fayth so that I coulde move moutayns oute of ther places and yet had no love I were nothynge.
12 Therfore whatsoever ye wolde that men shulde do to you even so do ye to them. This ys the lawe and the Prophettes.
21 Examen all thinges and kepe that which is good.
22 Abstayne from all suspicious thinges.
21 For the scripture came never by the will of man: but holy men of god spake as they were moved by the holy goost.
15 Beware of false Prophetes which come to you in shepes clothinge but inwardly they are ravenynge wolves.
5 When they hearde that they were baptised in the name of the lorde Iesu.
6 And Paul layde his hondes apon them and the holy gost came on them and they spake with tonges and prophesied