8 God is able to make you ryche in all grace that ye in all thynges havynge sufficiet vnto the vttmoste maye be ryche vnto all manner good workes
33 And yf ye do for them which do for you: what thanke are ye worthy of? For the very synners do even the same.
12 Happy is the man that endureth in temptacion for when he is tryed he shall receave the croune of lyfe which the Lorde hath promysed to them that love him.
23 For the rewarde of synne is deeth: but eternall lyfe is the gyfte of God thorow Iesus Christ oure Lorde.
21 The his master sayde vnto him: well good servaut and faithfull. Thou hast bene faithfull in lytell I will make the ruler over moche: entre in into thy masters ioye.
6 but with out fayth it is vnpossible to please him. For he that commeth to God must beleve that God is and that he is a rewarder of them that seke him.
32 And we are his recordes concernynge these thinges and also the holy goost whom God hath geve to them yt obey him.
2 Whe soever therfore thou gevest thine almes thou shalt not make a tropet to be blowe before the as ye ypocrites do in the synagogis and in the stretis for to be preysed of men. Verely I say vnto you they have their rewarde.
14 and preace vnto ye marke apoynted to obtayne the rewarde of the hye callynge of god in Christ Iesu.
5 Yf eny of you lacke wysdome let him axe of God which geveth to all men indifferentlie and casteth no man in the teth: and it shal be geven him.
5 And hope maketh not ashamed for the love of God is sheed abrod in oure hertes by the holy goost which is geven vnto vs.
27 And ye anoyntynge which ye have receaved of him dwelleth in you. And ye nede not that eny man teache you: but as ye annoyntynge teaheth you all thynges and is true and is no lye: and as it taught you even so byde therin.
24 Therfore I saye vnto you what soever ye desyre when ye praye beleve yt ye shall have it and it shalbe done vnto you.
29 Neuer the later ye shall seke the Lorde youre God euen there, and shalt fynde him yf thou seke him with all thine herte and with all thy soule.
8 Heale the sicke clense the lepers rayse the deed caste oute the devils. Frely ye have receved frely geve agayne.
9 But as it is written: The eye hath not sene and the eare hath not hearde nether have entred into the herte of man ye thinges which God hath prepared for them that love him.
9 Let vs not be wery of well doynge. For when the tyme is come we shall repe with out werines.
32 which spared not his awne sonne but gave him for vs all: how shall he not wt him geve vs all thinges also?
3 Accordinge as his godly power hath geven vnto vs all thinges that pertayne vnto lyfe and godlynes thorow the knowledge of him that hath called vs by vertue and glory
7 Axe and it shalbe geven you. Seke and ye shall fynd. knocke and it shalbe opened vnto you.
23 And whatsoever ye do do it hertely as though ye did it to the lorde and not vnto men for as moche as ye
24 knowe that of the lorde ye shall receave the rewarde of inheritaunce for ye serve the lorde Christ.
58 Therfore my deare brethren be ye stedfast and unmovable alwayes ryche in the workes of the Lorde for as moch as ye knowe how yt youre labour is not in vayne in the Lorde.
10 Cast doune youre selves before the lorde and he shall lift you vp.
24 . Hitherto have ye axed nothinge in my name. Axe and ye shall receave it: that youre ioye maye be full.
6 Blessed are they which honger and thurst for rightewesnes: for they shalbe filled.
18 and lighten the eyes of youre myndes yt ye myght knowe what that hope is where vnto he hath called you and what the riches of his glorious inheritaunce is apon the sainctes
16 Wherfore we are not weried but though oure vttward man perisshe yet the inwarde man is renewed daye by daye.
6 But when thou prayest entre into thy chamber and shut thy dore to the and praye to thy father which ys in secrete: and thy father which seith in secret shall rewarde the openly.
14 But whosoever shall drinke of ye water yt I shall geve him shall never be more a thyrst: but the water that I shall geve him shalbe in him a well of water springinge vp in to everlastinge lyfe.
30 Many that are fyrste shalbe laste and the laste shalbe fyrste.
33 but walke in all the wayes which the Lorde youre God hath comaunded you, that ye maye lyve and that it maye goo well with you ad that ye maye prolonge youre dayes in the lond whiche ye shall possesse.
6 Submit youre selves therfore vnder the myghty honde of god that he maye exalt you whe the tyme is come.
12 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses: come vpp to me in to the hyll and be there, ad I will geue the tables of stone and a lawe and commaundmentes, which I haue written to teach them.
6 which will rewarde every ma accordinge to his dedes:
7 Neverthelesse I tell you the trueth it is expedient for you that I goo awaye. For yf I goo not awaye that comforter will not come vnto you. But yf I departe I will sende him vnto you.
38 Geve and yt shalbe geven vnto you: good measure pressed doune shaken to geder and runnynge over shall men geve into youre bosomes. For with what measure ye mete with ye same shall men mete to you agayne.