11 Verely I saye vnto you amonge ye chyldren of wemen arose there not a gretter then Ihon the baptist. Notwithstondinge he that ys lesse in the kyngdome of heven ys gretter then he.
12 From the tyme of Ihon Baptist hytherto ye kyngdome of heve suffreth violence and they that go to it with violence pluck it vnto them.
18 And the Lorde shall delivre me from all evyll doynge and shall kepe me vnto his hevenly kyngdome. To who be prayse for ever and ever. Amen.
21 Not all they that saye vnto me Master Master shall enter in to the kyngdome of heven: but he that dothe my fathers will which ys in heven.
28 Wherfore if we receave a kyngdom which is not moved we have grace wherby we maye serve god and please him with reverence and godly feare.
29 For oure god is a consumynge fyre.
11 I say therfore vnto you that many shall come fro the eest and weest and shall rest wt Abraham Isaac and Iacob in the kingdome of heve:
31 Another parable he put forthe vnto the sayinge. The kyngdome of heve is lyke vnto a grayne of mustard seed which a ma taketh and soweth in his felde
32 which is ye leest of all seedes. But when it is groune it is the greatest amoge yerbes and it is a tree: so yt the bryddes of the ayer come and bylde in the brauches of it.
5 Harken my deare beloved brethren. Hath not God chosen the poore of this worlde which are ryche in fayth and heyres of the kyngdom which he promysed to them that love him?
19 Whosoever breaketh one of these lest commaundmentes and teacheth men so he shalbe called the leest in the kyngdome of heve. But whosoever obserueth and teacheth ye same shal be called greate in the kyngdome of heven.
20 For I saye vnto you except youre rightewesnes excede the righetewesnes of ye Scribes and Pharises ye canot entre into ye kyngdome of heven.
24 Another similitude put he forth vnto the sayinge: The kyngdome of heve is lyke vnto a man which sowed good seed in his felde.
25 But whyll men slepte ther came his foo and sowed tares amoge ye wheate and wet his waye.
26 When ye blade was sproge vp and had brought forth frute the appered ye tares also.
27 The servauntes came to the housholder and sayde vnto him: Syr sowedest not thou good seed in thy closse fro whece the hath it tares?
28 He sayde to the the envious ma hath done this. Then ye servauntes sayde vnto him: wilt thou then yt we go and gader them?
29 But he sayde nay lest whill ye go aboute to wede out ye tares ye plucke vppe also wt them ye wheate by ye rottes:
30 let bothe growe to gether tyll harvest come and in tyme of harvest I wyll saye to the repers gather ye fyrst ye tares and bind the in sheves to be bret: but gather the wheete into my barne.
14 But Iesus sayde: suffre the chyldren and forbid them not to come to me: for of suche is the kyngdome of heven.
47 Agayne the kyngdome of heve is lyke vnto a neet cast into ye see yt gadereth of all kyndes of fysshes:
48 which whe it is full men drawe to londe and sitte and gadre the good into vessels and cast the bad awaye.
49 So shall it be at the ende of the worlde. The angels shall come oute and sever the bad from the good
50 and shall cast them into a furnes of fyre: there shalbe waylinge and gnasshynge of teth.
1 In those dayes Ihon the Baptyst came and preached in the wildernes of Iury
2 saynge; Repet the kyngdome of heue is at honde.
9 After thys maner therfore praye ye. O oure father which arte in heve halowed be thy name.
10 Let thy kyngdome come. Thy wyll be fulfilled as well in erth as it ys in heven.
33 Another similitude sayde he to them. The kyngdome of heven is lyke vnto leve which a woman taketh and hydeth in .iii. peckes of meele tyll all be levended.
10 Wherfore brethren geve the moare diligence forto make youre callynge and eleccion sure. For yf ye do soche thynges ye shall never erre.
11 Ye and by this meanes an entrynge in shall be ministred vnto you aboundantly in to the everlastynge kyngdome of oure lorde and saveoure Iesus Christ.
1 The same tyme the disciples came vnto Iesus saying: who is ye greatest in the kyngdome of heve?
2 Iesus called a chylde vnto him and set him in the middes of them:
3 and sayd. Verely I say vnto you: except ye tourne and become as chyldren ye cannot enter into the kyngdom of heven.
4 Whosoever therfore humble him sylfe as this chylde the same is the greatest in ye kyngdome of heve.
32 Feare not litell floocke for it is youre fathers pleasure to geve you a kingdome.
7 Go and preach sayinge: yt the kyngdome of heve is at hande.
23 Then Iesus sayde vnto his disciples: Verely I saye vnto you: yt is harde for a ryche ma to enter into ye kyngdome of heaven.
24 And moreover I saye vnto you: it is easier for a camell to go through the eye of a nedle then for a ryche man to enter into the kyngdome of God.
25 When his disciples hearde that they were excedingly amased sayinge: who then can be saved?
26 Iesus behelde the and sayde vnto them: with men this is vnpossible but with God all thinges are possible.
44 Agayne ye kyngdome of heve is lyke vnto treasure hidde in the felde ye which a man fyndeth and hideth: and for ioy therof goeth and selleth all that he hath and byeth that felde.
45 Agayne ye kyngdome of heve is lyke vnto a marchaunt that seketh good pearles
46 which when he had founde one precious pearle wet and solde all that he had and bought it.
17 From yt tyme Iesus begane to preache and to saye: repet for ye kigdome of heve is at hode.
3 Blessed are the povre in sprete: for theirs is the kyngdome of heven.
4 Blessed are they that morne: for they shalbe conforted.
5 Blessed are the meke: for they shall inheret the erth.
6 Blessed are they which honger and thurst for rightewesnes: for they shalbe filled.
7 Blessed are ye mercifull: for they shall obteyne mercy.
8 Blessed are the pure in herte: for they shall se God.
9 Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shalbe called the chyldren of God.
10 Blessed are they which suffre persecucio for rightwesnes sake: for theirs ys the kyngdome of heuen.
11 Blessed are ye when men reuyle you and persecute you and shall falsly say all manner of yvell saynges agaynst you for my sake.
12 Reioyce and be glad for greate is youre rewarde in heven. For so persecuted they ye Prophetes which were before youre dayes.
5 For this ye knowe yt no whormonger other vnclene person or coveteous person which is the worshipper of ymages hath eny inheritaunce in the kyngdome of Christ and of God.
18 And I saye also vnto the yt thou arte Peter: and apon this rocke I wyll bylde my congregacion. And the gates of hell shall not prevayle ageynst it.
19 And I wyll geve vnto the the keyes of the kyngdom of heven: and whatsoever thou byndest vpon erth shall be bounde in heven: and whatsoever thou lowsest on erthe shalbe lowsed in heven.
36 Then sent Iesus ye people awaye and came to housse. And his disciples came vnto him sayinge: declare vnto vs the similitude of the tares of the felde.
37 Then answered he and sayde to them. He that soweth the good seed is the sonne of man.
38 And ye felde is the worlde. And the chyldre of the kingdome they are ye good seed. And the tares are the chyldren of ye wicked.
39 And the enemye that soweth the is ye devell. The harvest is ye end of the worlde. And the repers be ye angels.
40 For eve as the tares are gaddred and bret in ye fyre: so shall it be in ye ende of this worlde.
41 The sonne of man shall send forth his angels and they shall gather out of his kyngdome all thinges that offende and them which do iniquite
42 and shall cast them into a furnes of fyre. There shalbe waylynge and gnasshing of teth.
43 Then shall the iuste men shyne as bryght as the sunne in ye kyngdome of their father. Whosoever hath eares to heare let him heare.