7 but and yf we walke in (lyght) even as he is in lyght then have we fellishippe with him and the bloud of Iesus Christ his sonne clenseth vs from all synne.
6 For when we were yet weake accordynge to ye tyme: Christ dyed for vs which were vngodly.
45 For eve the sonne of man came not to be ministred vnto: but to minister and to geve his lyfe for the redempcion of many.
36 And he sayd: Abba father all thinges are possible vnto the take awaye this cup from me. Neverthelesse not that I will but that thou wilt be done.
9 But I wil sacrifice vn to the with the voce of thankesgeuinge and will paye that I have vowed that sauinge cometh of the lorde.
28 so Christ was once offered to take awaye the synnes of many and vnto them that loke for him shall he appeare agayne without synne vnto saluacion.
14 How moche more shall the bloud of Christ (which thorow the eternall sprete offered him silfe with out spot to God) pourdge youre consciences from deed workes for to serve the livynge god?
28 And they stripped him and put on him a purpyll roobe
29 and platted a croune of thornes and put vpon his heed and a rede in his ryght honde: and bowed their knees before him and mocked him saying: hayle kinge of the Iewes:
13 Goo and learne what that meaneth: I have pleasure in mercy and not in offerynge. For I am not come to call the rightewes but the synners to repentaunce.
13 Nether geve ye youre members as instrumentes of vnrightewesnes vnto synne: but geve youre selves vnto God as they that are alive from deeth. And geve youre membres as iustrumetes of rightewesnes vnto God.
24 Whosoever will save his lyfe shall lose it. And who soever shall lose his lyfe for my sake the same shall save it.
3 For fyrst of all I delivered vnto you that which I receaved: how that Christ dyed for oure synnes agreinge to the scriptures:
4 and that he was buried and that he arose agayne the thyrd daye accordinge to the scriptures:
14 which gave him silfe for vs to redeme vs from all vnrightewesnes and to pourge vs a peculiar people vnto him silfe fervently geven vnto good workes.
32 which spared not his awne sonne but gave him for vs all: how shall he not wt him geve vs all thinges also?
28 eve as the sonne of man came not to be ministred vnto but to minister and to geve his lyfe for the redempcion of many.
13 Gretter love then this hath no man then that a man bestowe his lyfe for his frendes.
46 And Iesus cryed with a greate voyce and sayd: Father into thy hondes I comende my sprete. And when he thus had sayd he gave vp the goost.
2 and walke in love even as Christ loved vs and gave him silfe for vs an offerynge and a sacrifyce of a swete saver to god.
18 Beholde we goo vp to Ierusalem and the sonne of ma shalbe betrayed vnto ye chefe prestes and vnto the scribes and they shall condene him to deeth
19 and shall delyvre him to the getils to be mocked to be scourged and to be crucified: and ye thyrd daye he shall ryse agayne.