3 Iesus answered and sayde vnto him: Verely verely I saye vnto the: except a man be boren a newe he cannot se the kyngdom of God.
9 Do ye not remember how that the vnrighteous shall not inheret the kyngdome of God? Be not deceaved. For nether fornicators nether worshyppers of ymages nether whormongers nether weaklinges nether abusars of them selves with the mankynde
10 nether theves nether the coveteous nether dronkardes nether cursed speakers nether pillers shall inheret the kyngdome of God.
10 For the sonne of ma is come to seke and to save that which was looste.
28 so Christ was once offered to take awaye the synnes of many and vnto them that loke for him shall he appeare agayne without synne vnto saluacion.
36 He that beleveth on the sonne hath everlastynge lyfe: and he that beleveth not the sonne shall not se lyfe but the wrathe of God abydeth on him.
5 not of ye dedes of rightewesnes which we wrought but of his mercie he saved vs by ye foutayne of the newe birth and with the renuynge of the holy goost
10 For the belefe of the hert iustifieth: and to knowledge with the mouth maketh a man safe.
10 For yf when we were enemyes we were reconciled to God by the deeth of his sonne: moche more seinge we are reconciled we shal be preservid by his lyfe.
22 For as by Adam all dye: eve so by Christ shall all be made alive
27 Iesus loked vpon them and sayde: with men it is vnpossible but not with God: for with God all thynges are possible.
9 which saved vs and called vs wt an holy callinge not acordinge to oure dedes but accordynge to his awne purpose and grace which grace was geve vs thorowe Christ Iesu before the worlde was
6 Iesus sayd vnto him: I am ye waye ye truthe and ye life. And no man cometh vnto the father but by me.
28 and I geve vnto the eternall lyfe and they shall never perisshe nether shall eny man plucke the oute of my honde.
16 For I am not ashamed of the Gospell of Christ because it is ye power of God vnto salvacio to all yt beleve namely to the Iewe and also to ye getyle.
11 For the grace of god that bryngeth saluacion vnto all men hath appered
12 and teacheth vs that we shuld denye vngodlynes and wordly lustes and that we shuld live sobre mynded righteously and godly in this present worlde
22 And almost all thynges are bye the lawe pourged with bloud and with out effusion of bloud is no remission.
16 he that beleueth and is baptised shall be saved. But he that beleveth not shalbe dampned.
8 who ye have not sene and yet love him in whom even now though ye se him not ye yet beleue and reioyce with ioye vnspeakable and glorious:
9 receavynge the ende of youre fayth the salvacion of youre soules.
13 Enter in at the strayte gate: for wyde is ye gate and broade is the waye that leadeth to destruccion: and many ther be which goo yn therat.
14 But strayte is the gate and narowe ys the waye which leadeth vnto lyfe: and feawe there be that fynde it.
9 The lorde is not slacke to fulfill his promes as some men cout slacknes: but is pacient to vs warde and wolde have no man lost but wolde receave all men to repentauce.
3 and sayd. Verely I say vnto you: except ye tourne and become as chyldren ye cannot enter into the kyngdom of heven.
12 But as meny as receaved him to them he gave power to be the sonnes of God in yt they beleved on his name:
47 For so hath the Lorde comaunded vs: I have made ye a light to the getyls yt thou be salvacio vnto ye ende of ye worlde.
8 For by grace are ye made safe thorowe fayth and that not of youre selves. For it is the gyfte of God
9 and commeth not of workes lest eny man shuld bost him silfe.
9 Yf we knowledge oure synnes he is faythfull and iust to forgeve vs oure synnes and to clense vs from all vnrightewesnes.
9 For yf thou shalt knowledge wt thy mouth that Iesus is the lorde and shalt beleve with thyn hert that God raysed him up from deeth thou shalt be safe.
10 For the belefe of the hert iustifieth: and to knowledge with the mouth maketh a man safe.
27 And he sayde: Thinges which are vnpossible with men are possible with God.
52 Iesus sayde vnto him: goo thy waye thy faith hath saved the. And by and by he receaved his sight and folowed Iesus in the waye.
31 And they sayde: beleve on the Lorde Iesus and thou shalt be saved and thy housholde.
31 And they sayde: beleve on the Lorde Iesus and thou shalt be saved and thy housholde.
20 Beholde I stode at the doore and knocke. Yf eny man heare my voyce and opon the dore I will come in vnto him and will suppe with him and he with me.
12 Nether is ther salvacio in eny other. Nor yet also is ther eny other name geven to men wherin we must be saved.
23 for all have synned and lacke the prayse yt is of valoure before God:
17 Therfore yf eny man be in Christ he is a newe creature. Olde thynges are passed awaye beholde all thinges are be come newe.
23 For the rewarde of synne is deeth: but eternall lyfe is the gyfte of God thorow Iesus Christ oure Lorde.
16 For God so loveth the worlde yt he hath geven his only sonne that none that beleve in him shuld perisshe: but shuld have everlastinge lyfe.
7 Yet scace will eny man dye for a rightewes man. Paraventure for a good ma durst a man dye.
8 But God setteth out his love that he hath to vs seinge that whyll we were yet synners Christ dyed for vs.
21 And it shalbe that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lorde shalbe saved.