Santa Ceia
51 I am that lyvinge breed which came doune from heave. Yf eny man eate of this breed he shall live forever. And the breed that I will geve is my flesshe which I will geve for the lyfe of ye worlde
26 As they dyd eate Iesus toke breed and gave thankes brake it and gave it to the disciples and sayde: Take eate this is my body.
27 And he toke the cup and thanked and gave it them sayinge: drinke of it every one.
28 For this is my bloude of the new testament that shalbe shedde for many for the remission of synnes.
19 And he toke breed gave thankes and gave to them sayinge: This is my body which is geven for you. This do in the remembraunce of me.
20 Lykewyse also when they had supped he toke the cup sayinge: This cup is the newe testament in my bloud which shall for you be shedde.
53 Then Iesus sayde vnto them: Verely verely I saye vnto you except ye eate ye flesshe of ye sonne of man and drinke his bloude ye shall not have lyfe in you
54 . Whosoever eateth my flesshe and drinketh my bloude hath eternall lyfe: and I will rayse him vp at the last daye.
55 For my flesshe is meate in dede: and my bloude is drynke in dede.
56 He that eateth my flesshe and drynketh my bloude dwelleth in me and I in him.
57 As the lyvinge father hath sent me even so lyve I by my father: and he that eateth me shall live by me.
58 This is the breed which cam from heave: not as youre fathers have eaten Manna and are deed. He that eateth of this breed shall live ever.
30 And it came to passe as he sate at meate wt them he toke breed blessed it brake and gave to them.
42 And they continued in the Apostles doctrine and felloushippe and in breakinge of breed and in prayer.
7 And on the morowe after the saboth daye the disciples came to geder for to breake breed and Paul preached vnto them (redy to departe on the morowe) and cotinued the preachynge vnto mydnyght.
24 and thanked and brake and sayde. Take ye and eate ye: this is my body which is broken for you. This do ye in the remembraunce of me.
25 After the same maner he toke the cup when sopper was done sayinge. This cup is the newe testament in my bloude. This do as oft as ye drynke it in the remebraunce of me.
26 For as often as ye shall eate this breed and drynke this cup ye shall shewe the lordes deeth tyll he come.
27 Wherfore whosoevere shall eate of this bred or drynke of the cup vnworthely shalbe giltie of the body and bloud of the Lorde
28 Let a ma therfore examen him silfe and so let hi eate of the breed and drynke of the cup.
26 For as often as ye shall eate this breed and drynke this cup ye shall shewe the lordes deeth tyll he come.
22 And as they ate Iesus toke breede blessed and brake and gave to them and sayde: Take eate this ys my body.
23 And he toke the cup gave thankes and gave it to them and they all dranke of it.
24 And he sayde vnto them: This is my bloude of the new testament which is sheed for many.
25 Verely I saye vnto you: I will drinke no moore of this frute of the vyne vntyll that daye that I drinke it new in the kyngdome of God.
27 Wherfore whosoevere shall eate of this bred or drynke of the cup vnworthely shalbe giltie of the body and bloud of the Lorde
28 Let a ma therfore examen him silfe and so let hi eate of the breed and drynke of the cup.
29 For he yt eateth or drinketh vnworthely eateth and drynketh his awne damnacion because he maketh no difference of the lordis body.