8 Heale the sicke clense the lepers rayse the deed caste oute the devils. Frely ye have receved frely geve agayne.
8 For bodely exercise proffiteth lyttll: But godlines is good vnto all thynges as a thynge which hath promyses of the lyfe that is now and of the lyfe to come.
25 And se that ye serue the Lorde youre God, ad he shall blesse thi bred and thy water, ad I will take all sycknesses awaye from amonge you.
19 Ether knowe ye not how that youre bodyes are the temple of ye holy goost which is in you who ye have of God and how that ye are not youre awne?
20 For ye are dearly bought. Therfore glorifie ye God in youre bodyes and in youre spretes for they are goddes.
12 When Iesus herde that he sayde vnto them: The whole neade not the phisicion but they that are sicke.
2 Beloved I wisshe in all thinges that thou prosperedest and faredest well eve as thy soule prospereth.