28 And nowe babes abyde in him that when he shall appere we maye be bolde and not be made a shamed of him at his commynge.
23 The very God of peace sanctifie you thorow out. And I praye God that youre whole sprete soulse and body be kept fautlesse vnto ye comynge of oure Lorde Iesus Christ
23 Then yf eny ma shall saye vnto you: lo here is Christ or there is Christ: beleve it not.
24 For there shall arise false christes and false prophete and shall do great myracles and wondres. In so moche yt if it were possible ye verie electe shuld be deceaved.
25 Take hede I have tolde you before.
27 And then shall they se the sonne of ma come in a clowde with power and greate glory.
21 For then shalbe greate tribulacio suche as was not fro the beginninge of the worlde to this tyme ner shalbe.
22 Ye and except those dayes shuld be shortened there shuld no fleshe be saved: but for ye chosens sake those dayes shalbe shortened.
11 For the grace of god that bryngeth saluacion vnto all men hath appered
12 and teacheth vs that we shuld denye vngodlynes and wordly lustes and that we shuld live sobre mynded righteously and godly in this present worlde
13 lokinge for that blessed hope and glorious apperenge of ye myghty god and of oure savioure Iesu Christ
14 which gave him silfe for vs to redeme vs from all vnrightewesnes and to pourge vs a peculiar people vnto him silfe fervently geven vnto good workes.
7 so that ye are behynde in no gyft and wayte for the apperynge of oure lorde Iesus Christ
8 which shall streght you vnto ye ende that ye maye be blamelesse in ye daye of oure lorde Iesus Christ.
20 He which testifyeth these thinges sayth: be it I come quyckly Amen. Even soo: come lorde Iesu.
25 And ther shalbe signes in the sunne ad in the mone and in the starres: and in ye erth the people shalbe in soche perplexite yt they shall not tell which waye to turne them selves. The see and the waters shall roore
26 and menes hertes shall fayle them for feare and for lokinge after thoose thinges which shall come on the erth. For the powers of heve shall move.
27 And then shall they se the sonne of ma come in a clowde with power and greate glory.
28 When these thinges begyn to come to passe: then loke vp and lifte vp youre heddes for youre redemcion draweth neye.
44 Therfore be ye also redy for in ye houre ye thinke he wolde not: wyll the sonne of ma come.
1 And he sayd vnto his disciples: Let not youre hertes be troubled. Beleve in god and beleve in me.
2 In my fathers housse are many mansions. If it were not so I wolde have tolde you. I go to prepare a place for you.
3 And yf I go to prepare a place for you I will come agayne and receave you eve vnto my selfe yt where I am there maye ye be also.
14 And this gladtidingees of the kyngdome shalbe preached in all the worlde for a witnes vnto all nacions: and then shall the ende come.
12 And beholde I come shortly and my rewarde with me to geve every man accordinge as his dedes shalbe.
34 Take hede to youre selves lest youre hertes be overcome with surfettinge and dronkennes and cares of this worlde: and that that daye come on you vnwares.
35 For as a snare shall it come on all them that sit on the face of the erthe.
36 Watche therfore continually and praye that ye maye obtayne grace to flye all this that shall come and that ye maye stonde before the sonne of man.
7 The ende of all thinges is at honde. Be ye therfore discrete and sober yt ye maye be apte to prayers.
32 Learne, a similitude of the fygge tree: when his braunches are yet tender and his leves sproge ye knowe that sommer is nye.
33 So lyke wyse ye when ye see all these thynges be ye sure that it is neare even at the dores.
29 Immediatly after the tribulacios of those dayes shall the sunne be derkened: and ye mone shall not geve hir light and the starre shall fall from heve and the powers of heve shall move.
30 And then shall appere the sygne of the sonne of man in heven. And then shall all the kynreddes of the erth morne and they shall se the sonne of man come in the cloudes of heven with power and greate glorie.
31 And he shall sende his angeles with the greate voyce of a trope and they shall gader to gether his chosen from the fower wyndes and from the one ende of the worlde to the other.
12 Ye and the brother shall delyvre the brother to deeth and the father the sonne and the chyldre shall ryse agaynste their fathers and mothers and shall put them to deeth.
13 And ye shalbe hated of all men for my names sake. But whosoever shall endure vnto the ende the same shalbe safe.
27 For the sonne of man shall come in the glory of his father wt his angels: and then shall he rewarde every man accordinge to his dedes.
42 Wake therfore because ye knowe not what houre youre master wyll come.
16 For the Lorde him selfe shall descende fro heve with a showte and the voyce of the archangell and trompe of God. And the deed in Christe shall aryse fyrst:
17 then shall we which live and remayne be caught vp with them also in the cloudes to mete the Lorde in ye ayer. And so shall we ever be with the Lorde.
18 Wherfore coforte youre selves one another with these wordes
8 I am Alpha and Omega the begynninge and the endinge sayth the Lorde almyghty which is and which was and which is to come.
9 But take ye hede to youre selves. For they shall bringe you vp to ye counsels and into ye synagoges and ye shalbe beaten: ye and shalbe brought before rulers and kynges for my sake for a testimoniall vnto them.
10 And the gospell must fyrste be publysshed amoge all nacions.
6 and am suerly certified of this that he which beganne a good worke in you shall go forthe with it vntyll the daye of Iesus Christ
23 Then yf eny ma shall saye vnto you: lo here is Christ or there is Christ: beleve it not.
24 For there shall arise false christes and false prophete and shall do great myracles and wondres. In so moche yt if it were possible ye verie electe shuld be deceaved.
25 Take hede I have tolde you before.
26 Wherfore if they shall saye vnto you: beholde he is in ye desert go not forth: beholde he is in ye secret places beleve not.
3 And as he sat vpon the mout Olivete his disciples came vnto hym secretely sayinge. Tell vs when these thinges shalbe? And what signe shalbe of thy comynge and of the ende of the worlde?
4 And Iesus answered and sayde vnto them: take hede that no ma deceave you.
5 For many shall come in my name sayinge: I am Christ and shall deceave many.
6 Ye shall heare of warres and of the fame of warres: but se yt ye be not troubled. For all these thinges must come to passe but the ende is not yet.
12 And because iniquite shall have the vpper hande the love of many shall abate.
13 But he that endureth to the ende the same shalbe safe.
10 And while they looked stedfastly vp to heaven as he went beholde two men stode by them in white apparell
11 which also sayde: ye men of Galile why stonde ye gasinge vp into heave? This same Iesus which is taken vp fro you in to heaven shall so come even as ye haue sene him goo into heaven.
30 And greve not the holy sprete of God by whome ye are sealed vnto the daye of redempcion.
15 Beware of false Prophetes which come to you in shepes clothinge but inwardly they are ravenynge wolves.
9 Then shall they put you to trouble and shall kyll you: and ye shalbe hated of all nacions for my names sake.
10 And then shall many be offended and shall betraye one another and shall hate one the other.
11 And many falce Prophetes shall aryse and shall deceave many.
26 And then shall they se the sonne of man comynge in the cloudes with greate power and glory.
27 And then shall he sende his angels and shall gaddre to gedder his electe from the fower wyndes and from the one ende of the worlde to the other.
42 Wake therfore because ye knowe not what houre youre master wyll come.
11 Beholde I come shortly. Holde that which thou haste that no man take awaye thy croune
11 which also sayde: ye men of Galile why stonde ye gasinge vp into heave? This same Iesus which is taken vp fro you in to heaven shall so come even as ye haue sene him goo into heaven.
8 Derely beloved be not ignorant of this one thynge how that one daye is wt the lorde as a thousande yeare and a thousand yeare as one daye.
11 and greate erthquakes shall be in all quarters and honger and pestilence: and fearfull thinges. And greate signes shall therbe from heven.
28 so Christ was once offered to take awaye the synnes of many and vnto them that loke for him shall he appeare agayne without synne vnto saluacion.
20 He which testifyeth these thinges sayth: be it I come quyckly Amen. Even soo: come lorde Iesu.
8 For ther shall nacion aryse agaynste nacion and kyngdome agaynst kyngdome. And ther shalbe erth quakes in all quarters and famyshment and troubles. These are the begynnynge of sorowes.
24 and let vs consyder one another to provoke vnto love and to good workes:
25 and let vs not forsake the felishippe that we have amoge oure selves as the maner of some is: but let vs exhorte one another and that so moche the more because ye se that the daye draweth nye.