Ser de Confiança
15 But let vs folowe the trueth in loue and in all thynges growe in him which is the heed that ys to saye Christ
16 in whom all the body ys coupled and knet togedder in every ioynt wherwith one ministreth to another (accordinge to the operacion as every parte hath his measure) and increaseth the body vnto the edyfyinge of it silfe in love.
22 and ye shall be hated of all me for my name. But he that endureth to the ende shalbe saved.
45 If there be any faithfull servaut and wyse whome his master hath made ruler over his housholde to geve the meate in season covenient:
10 Feare none of thoo thynges which thou shalt soffre. Beholde the devyll shall caste of you into preson to tempte you and ye shall have tribulacion .x. dayes. Be faythfull vnto the deeth and I will geve the a croune of lyfe.