39 He that fyndeth hys lyfe shall lose it: and he that losith hys lyfe for my sake shall fynde it.
29 For vnto you it is geven that not only ye shulde beleve on Christ: but also suffre for his sake
35 Who shall seperate vs fro the love of god? shall tribulacion? or anguysshe? or persecucion? other honger? other nakednesse? other parell? other swearde?
3 And though I bestowed all my gooddes to fede ye poore and though I gave my body even that I burned and yet had no love it profeteth me nothinge.
3 He humbled the and made the hongre and fed the with man which nether thou nor thy father knewe of. to make the know that a man must not lyue by bred only: but by al that procedeth out of the mouth of the Lorde must a man lyue.
5 For as ye affliccios of Christ are pleteous in vs eve so is oure consolacio plenteous by Christ.
22 Neverthelesse I obtayned helpe of God and cotynew vnto this daye witnessyng bothe to small and to greate saying none other thinges then those which the prophetes and Moses dyd saye shuld come
23 that Christ shulde suffre and that he shuld be the fyrst that shulde ryse from deeth and shuld shewe lyght vnto the people and the gentyls.
14 Not withstondynge happy are ye yf ye suffre for rightewesnessis sake. Ye and feare not though they seme terrible vnto you nether be troubled:
10 in knowynge him and the vertue of his resurreccion and the fellowshippe of his passions that I myght be coformable vnto his (deeth)
17 For oure excedinge tribulacion which is momentany and light prepareth an excedinge and an eternall wayght of glorye
2 Beare ye one anothers burthe and so fulfill the lawe of Christ.
38 And he yt taketh not his crosse and foloweth me ys not mete for me.
28 And they stripped him and put on him a purpyll roobe
29 and platted a croune of thornes and put vpon his heed and a rede in his ryght honde: and bowed their knees before him and mocked him saying: hayle kinge of the Iewes:
3 Nether do we so only: but also we reioyce in tribulacion. For we know that tribulacion bringeth pacience
4 pacience bringeth experience experience bringeth hope.
23 And beinge in hell in tormetes he lyfte vp his eyes and sawe Abraham a farre of and Lazarus in his bosome
24 and he cryed and sayd: father Abraham have mercy on me and sende Lazarus that he maye dippe the tippe of his fynger in water and cole my tonge: for I am tourmented in this flame.
21 For herevnto verely were ye called: for Christ also suffered for vs levinge vs an insample yt ye shuld folowe his steppes
3 Blessed be God ye father of oure Lorde Iesus Christ the father of mercy and the God of all comforte
4 which comforteth vs in all oure tribulacio in so moche yt we are able to coforte them which are troubled in whatsoever tribulacion it be with the same comforte wher with we oure selves are coforted of God.
18 For I suppose that the affliccions of this lyfe are not worthy of the glory which shalbe shewed vpon vs.
10 The God of all grace which called you vnto his eternall glory by Christ Iesus shall his awne silfe after ye have soffred a lytell affliccio make you perfect: shall settle strenght and stablishe you.
1 For as moche as christ hath suffred for vs in the flesshe arme youre selves lyke wyse with the same mynde: for he which suffereth in the flesshe ceasith fro synne