20 Whill he thus thought behold ye angell of ye Lorde appered vnto him in a dreame saynge: Ioseph ye sonne of David feare not to take vnto ye Mary thy wyfe. For that which is coceaved in her is of the holy goost.
21 She shall brynge forthe a sonne and thou shalt call his name Iesus. For he shall save his peple from their synnes.
1 Yf there a ryse amonge you a prophett or a dreamer of dreames and geue the a sygne or a wondre,
2 and that sygne or wonder which he hath sayed come to passe, and then saye: lat vs goo after straunge Goddes which thou hast not knowen, and let vs serue them:
3 herken not vnto the wordes of that prophete or dreamer of dreames. For the Lorde thy God tepteth you, to wete whether ye loue the Lord youre God with all youre hertes ad with al youre soules.
4 For ye must walke after the Lorde youre God ad feare him and kepe his comaudmentes and herken vnto his voyce and serue him and cleaue vnto him.
6 And he sayed: heare my wordes. Yf there be a prophet of the Lordes amonge you I will shewe my selfe vnto him in a vision and will speake vnto him in a dreame:
8 They answered him we haue dreamed a dreame and haue no man to declare it. And Ioseph sayde vnto the. Interpretynge belongeth to God but tel me yet.
19 When he was set doune to geve iudgemet his wyfe sent to him sayinge: have thou nothinge to do with that iuste man. For I have suffered many thinges this daye in a dreame about him.
15 And Pharao sayde vnto Ioseph: I haue dreamed a dreame and no man ca interpretate it but I haue herde saye of the yt as soon as thou hearest a dreame thou dost interpretate it.
16 And Ioseph answered Pharao saynge: God shall geue Pharao an answere of peace without me.
14 But Peter stepped forth with the eleve and lift vp his voyce and sayde vnto them: Ye men of Iewrye and all ye that inhabite Ierusalem: be this knowe vnto you and with youre eares heare my wordes.
15 These are not dronken as ye suppose: for it is yet but the thyrde houre of ye daye.
16 But this is that which was spoken by ye Prophete Iohel:
17 It shalbe in the last dayes sayth God: of my sprete I will powre out vpon all flesshe. And youre sonnes and youre doughters shall prophesy and youre yoge men shall se visions and youre olde me shall dreme dremes.