8 Furthermore brethren whatsoever thinges are true whatsoever thynges are honest what soever thynges are iust whatsoever thynges are pure whatsoever thynges pertayne to love whatsoever thynges are of honest reporte: yf ther be eny verteous thynge yf there be eny laudable thynge
7 Neverthelesse I tell you the trueth it is expedient for you that I goo awaye. For yf I goo not awaye that comforter will not come vnto you. But yf I departe I will sende him vnto you.
14 And the worde was made flesshe and dwelt amonge vs and we sawe the glory of it as the glory of the only begotten sonne of ye father which worde was full of grace and verite.
6 Iesus sayd vnto him: I am ye waye ye truthe and ye life. And no man cometh vnto the father but by me.
31 Then sayde Iesus to those Iewes which beleved on him. If ye cotinue in my wordes then are ye my very disciples
32 and shall knowe the trueth: and the trueth shall make you free.
18 My babes let vs not love in worde nether in tonge: but with dede and in veritie:
15 Study to shewe thy silfe laudable vnto god a workman yt nedeth not to be a shamed dividynge the worde of trueth iustly
18 Of his awne will begat he vs with the worde of lyfe that we shuld be the fyrst frutes of his creatures.
6 yf we saye that we have fellishippe with him and yet walke in darknes we lye and do not the truth:
24 God is a sprete and they that worshippe him must worshippe him in sprete and trouthe.
1 Fayth is a sure confidence of thynges which are hoped for and a certayntie of thynges which are not sene.
27 And ye anoyntynge which ye have receaved of him dwelleth in you. And ye nede not that eny man teache you: but as ye annoyntynge teaheth you all thynges and is true and is no lye: and as it taught you even so byde therin.
26 But when the comforter is come whom I will sende vnto you fro the father which is the sprete of truthe which proceadeth of the father he shall testifie of me.
20 We knowe that the sonne of God is come and hath geven vs a mynde to knowe him which is true: and we are in him that is true through his sonne Iesu Christ. This same is very god and eternall lyfe.
15 But let vs folowe the trueth in loue and in all thynges growe in him which is the heed that ys to saye Christ
4 I have no greater ioye then for to heare howe that my sonnes walke in veritie.
12 But above all thynges my brethre sweare not nether by heven nether by erth nether by eny other othe. Let youre ye be ye and youre maye naye: lest ye faule into ypocrecy.