1 As for us who are strong, our duty is to bear with the weaknesses of those who are not strong, and not seek our own pleasure.
12 This is my commandment to you, to love one another as I have loved you.
35 For when I was hungry, you gave me food; when I was thirsty, you gave me drink; when I was homeless, you gave me a welcome;
36 when I was ill-clad, you clothed me; when I was sick, you visited me; when I was in prison, you came to see me.'
37 »When, Lord,' the righteous will reply, did we see Thee hungry, and feed Thee; or thirsty, and give Thee drink?«
38 When did we see Thee homeless, and give Thee a welcome? or ill-clad, and clothe Thee?
39 When did we see Thee sick or in prison, and come to see Thee?'
40 »But the King will answer them,« In solemn truth I tell you that in so far as you rendered such services to one of the humblest of these my brethren, you rendered them to myself.'
4 each fixing his attention, not simply on his own interests, but on those of others also.
35 In all things I have set you an example, showing you that, by working as I do, you ought to help the weak, and to bear in mind the words of the Lord Jesus, how He Himself said, »It is more blessed to give than to receive.'«
36 Having spoken thus, Paul knelt down and prayed with them all;
37 and with loud lamentation they all threw their arms round his neck, and kissed him lovingly,
38 grieved above all things at his having told them that after that day they were no longer to see his face. And they went with him to the ship.
16 Just so let your light shine before all men, in order that they may see your holy lives and may give glory to your Father who is in Heaven.
38 give, and gifts shall be bestowed on you. Full measure, pressed, shaken down, and running over, shall they pour into your laps; for with the same measure that you use they shall measure to you in return.«
10 The crowds repeatedly asked him, »What then are we to do?«
11 »Let the man who has two coats,« he answered, »give one to the man who has none; and let the man who has food share it with others.«
17 But if any one has this world's wealth and sees that his brother man is in need, and yet hardens his heart against him–how can such a one continue to love God?
2 Always carry one another's burdens, and so obey the whole of Christ's Law.
28 He who has been a thief must steal no more, but, instead of that, should work with his own hands in honest industry, so that he may have something of which he can give the needy a share.
13 No one has greater love than this–a man laying down his life for his friends.
13 Relieve the necessities of God's people; always practise hospitality.
33 Sell your possessions and give alms. Provide yourselves with purses that will never wear out, a treasure inexhaustible in Heaven, where no thief can come nor moth consume.
34 For where your wealth is stored, there also will your heart be.
14 What good is it, my brethren, if a man professes to have faith, and yet his actions do not correspond? Can such faith save him?
15 Suppose a Christian brother or sister is poorly clad or lacks daily food,
16 and one of you says to them, »I wish you well; keep yourselves warm and well fed,« and yet you do not give them what they need; what is the use of that?
17 So also faith, if it is unaccompanied by obedience, has no life in it–so long as it stands alone.
42 To him who asks, give: from him who would borrow, turn not away.