Alegria e Felicidade
2 simply fixing our gaze upon Jesus, our Prince Leader in the faith, who will also award us the prize. He, for the sake of the joy which lay before Him, patiently endured the cross, looking with contempt upon its shame, and afterwards seated Himself – where He still sits– at the right hand of the throne of God.
22 The Spirit, on the other hand, brings a harvest of love, joy, peace; patience towards others, kindness, benevolence;
23 good faith, meekness, self-restraint.
6 But where there is no faith it is impossible truly to please Him; for the man who draws near to God must believe that there is a God and that He proves Himself a rewarder of those who earnestly try to find Him.
15 Rejoice with those who rejoice; weep with those who weep.
16 Be always joyful.
17 Be unceasing in prayer.
18 In every circumstance of life be thankful; for this is God's will in Christ Jesus respecting you.
11 »These things I have spoken to you in order that I may have joy in you, and that your joy may become perfect.«
12 full of joyful hope, patient under persecution, earnest and persistent in prayer.
17 For the Kingdom of God does not consist of eating and drinking, but of right conduct, peace and joy, through the Holy Spirit;
7 Let each contribute what he has decided upon in his own mind, and not do it reluctantly or under compulsion. »It is a cheerful giver that God loves.«
24 As yet you have not asked for anything in my name: ask, and you shall receive, that your hearts may be filled with gladness.
8 Him you love, though your eyes have never looked on Him. In Him, though at present you cannot see Him, you nevertheless trust, and triumph with a joy which is unspeakable and is crowned with glory,
9 while you are securing as the outcome of your faith the salvation of your souls.
32 in order that if God be willing I may come to you with a glad heart, and may enjoy a time of rest with you.
4 Always be glad in the Lord: I will repeat it, be glad.
22 So you also now have sorrow; but I shall see you again, and your hearts will be glad, and your gladness no one will take away from you.
6 And godliness is gain, when associated with contentment;
10 In fact I take pleasure in infirmities, in the bearing of insults, in distress, in persecutions, in grievous difficulties–for Christ's sake; for when I am weak, then I am strong.
7 I tell you that in the same way there will be rejoicing in Heaven over one repentant sinner–more rejoicing than over ninety-nine blameless persons who have no need of repentance.
8 Him you love, though your eyes have never looked on Him. In Him, though at present you cannot see Him, you nevertheless trust, and triumph with a joy which is unspeakable and is crowned with glory,
9 while you are securing as the outcome of your faith the salvation of your souls.
11 »These things I have spoken to you in order that I may have joy in you, and that your joy may become perfect.«
17 For the Kingdom of God does not consist of eating and drinking, but of right conduct, peace and joy, through the Holy Spirit;
44 »The Kingdom of the Heavens is like treasure buried in the open country, which a man finds, but buries again, and, in his joy about it, goes and sells all he has and buys that piece of ground.«
2 Reckon it nothing but joy, my brethren, whenever you find yourselves hedged in by various trials.
3 Be assured that the testing of your faith leads to power of endurance.
13 May God, the giver of hope, fill you with continual joy and peace because you trust in Him–so that you may have abundant hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.
4 Always be glad in the Lord: I will repeat it, be glad.
17 Impress on those who are rich in the present age that they must not be haughty nor set their hopes on riches –that unstable foundation– but on God who provides us richly with all things for our enjoyment.