8 »And I tell you that every man who shall have acknowledged me before men, the Son of Man will also acknowledge before the angels of God.«
9 But he who disowns me before men will be disowned before the angels of God.
10 »Moreover every one who shall speak against the Son of Man, may obtain forgiveness; but he who blasphemes the Holy Spirit will never obtain forgiveness.«
4 Such is the confidence which we have through Christ in the presence of God;
5 not that of ourselves we are competent to decide anything by our own reasonings, but our competency comes from God.
6 It is He also who has made us competent to serve Him in connexion with a new Covenant, which is not a written code but a Spirit; for the written code inflicts death, but the Spirit gives Life.
10 and here is the motive of our toiling and wrestling, because we have our hopes fixed on the ever-living God, who is the Saviour of all mankind, and especially of believers.
1 »Let not your hearts be troubled. Trust in God: trust in me also.
6 even as Abraham believed God, and his faith was placed to his account as righteousness?
7 Notice therefore that those who possess faith are true sons of Abraham.
8 And the Scripture, foreseeing that in consequence of faith God would declare the nations to be free from guilt, sent beforehand the Good News to Abraham, saying, »In you all the nations shall be blessed.«
9 So we see that it is those who possess faith that are blessed with believing Abraham.