12 Everything is allowable to me, but not everything is profitable. Everything is allowable to me, but to nothing will I become a slave.
8 Curb every passion, and be on the alert. Your great accuser, the Devil, is going about like a roaring lion to see whom he can devour.
13 and bring us not into temptation, but rescue us from the Evil one.'
7 What follows? Is the Law itself a sinful thing? No, indeed; on the contrary, unless I had been taught by the Law, I should have known nothing of sin as sin. For instance, I should not have known what covetousness is, if the Law had not repeatedly said, »Thou shalt not covet.«
13 Let no one say when passing through trial, »My temptation is from God;« for God is incapable of being tempted to do evil, and He Himself tempts no one.
2 But because there is so much fornication every man should have a wife of his own, and every woman should have a husband.
13 No temptation has you in its power but such as is common to human nature; and God is faithful and will not allow you to be tempted beyond your strength. But, when the temptation comes, He will also provide the way of escape; so that you may be able to bear it.
41 Keep awake, and pray that you may not enter into temptation: the spirit is right willing, but the body is frail.«
4 It is by means of these that He has granted us His precious and wondrous promises, in order that through them you may, one and all, become sharers in the very nature of God, having completely escaped the corruption which exists in the world through earthly cravings.
16 This then is what I mean. Let your lives be guided by the Spirit, and then you will certainly not indulge the cravings of your lower natures.
2 You covet things and yet cannot get them; you commit murder; you have passionate desires and yet cannot gain your end; you begin to fight and make war. You have not, because you do not pray;
10 For from love of money all sorts of evils arise; and some have so hankered after money as to be led astray from the faith and be pierced through with countless sorrows.
4 Let marriage be held in honour among all, and let the marriage bed be unpolluted; for fornicators and adulterers God will judge.
17 And the world, with its cravings, is passing away, but he who does God's will continues for ever.
16 For the things in the world –the cravings of the earthly nature, the cravings of the eyes, the show and pride of life– they all come, not from the Father, but from the world.
21 For where your wealth is, there also will your heart be.
13 You however, brethren, were called to freedom. Only do not turn your freedom into an excuse for giving way to your lower natures; but become bondservants to one another in a spirit of love.
1 Brethren, if anybody be detected in any misconduct, you who are spiritual should restore such a one in a spirit of meekness. And let each of you keep watch over himself, lest he also fall into temptation.
5 Therefore put to death your earthward inclinations–fornication, impurity, sensual passion, unholy desire, and all greed, for that is a form of idolatry.