26 »Why are you so easily frightened,« He replied, »you men of little faith?« Then He rose and reproved the winds and the waves, and there was a perfect calm;
27 and the men, filled with amazement, exclaimed, »What kind of man is this? for the very winds and waves obey him!«
30 And if God so clothes the wild herbage which to-day flourishes and to-morrow is thrown into the oven, is it not much more certain that He will clothe you, you men of little faith?
31 Do not be over-anxious, therefore, asking What shall we eat?' or What shall we drink?' or What shall we wear?'
35 Who shall separate us from Christ's love? Shall affliction or distress, persecution or hunger, nakedness or danger or the sword?
36 As it stands written in the Scripture, »For Thy sake they are, all day long, trying to kill us. We have been looked upon as sheep destined for slaughter.«
37 Yet amid all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who has loved us.
38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither the lower ranks of evil angels nor the higher, neither things present nor things future, nor the forces of nature,
39 nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God which rests upon us in Christ Jesus our Lord.
6 and the woman fled into the Desert, there to be cared for, for 1,260 days, in a place which God had prepared for her.
19 »I have given you power to tread serpents and scorpions underfoot, and to trample on all the power of the Enemy; and in no case shall anything do you harm.
8 We are hard pressed, yet never in absolute distress; perplexed, yet never utterly baffled;
9 pursued, yet never left unsuccoured; struck to the ground, yet never slain;