31 But these have been recorded in order that you may believe that He is the Christ, the Son of God, and that, through believing, you may have Life through His name.
16 For so greatly did God love the world that He gave His only Son, that every one who trusts in Him may not perish but may have the Life of Ages.
26 You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus;
27 for all of you who have been baptized into Christ, have clothed yourselves with Christ.
14 For those who are led by God's Spirit are, all of them, God's sons.
15 You have not for the second time acquired the consciousness of being –a consciousness which fills you with terror. But you have acquired a deep inward conviction of having been adopted as sons– a conviction which prompts us to cry aloud, »Abba! our Father!«
9 »Blessed are the peacemakers, for it is they who will be recognized as sons of God.«
7 Therefore you are no longer a slave, but a son; and if a son, then an heir also through God's own act.
15 »But you, who do you say that I am?« He asked again.
16 »You,« replied Simon Peter, »are the Christ, the Son of the ever-living God.«
17 »Blessed are you, Simon Bar-jonah,« said Jesus; »for mere human nature has not revealed this to you, but my Father in Heaven.
7 The sufferings that you are enduring are for your discipline. God is dealing with you as sons; for what son is there whom his father does not discipline?
8 And if you are left without discipline, of which every true son has had a share, that shows that you are bastards, and not true sons.
16 The Spirit Himself bears witness, along with our own spirits, to the fact that we are children of God;
10 By this we can distinguish God's children and the Devil's children: no one who fails to act righteously is a child of God, nor he who does not love his brother man.
12 But all who have received Him, to them –that is, to those who trust in His name– He has given the privilege of becoming children of God;
13 who were begotten as such not by human descent, nor through an impulse of their own nature, nor through the will of a human father, but from God.
4 But, when the time was fully come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born subject to Law,
5 in order to purchase the freedom of all who were subject to Law, so that we might receive recognition as sons.
1 See what marvellous love the Father has bestowed upon us –that we should be called God's children: and that is what we are. For this reason the world does not recognize us– because it has not known Him.
8 In other words, it is not the children by natural descent who count as God's children, but the children made such by the promise are regarded as Abraham's posterity.