57 As the ever-living Father has sent me, and I live because of the Father, so also he who eats me will live because of me.
58 This is the bread which came down out of Heaven; it is unlike that which your forefathers ate–for they ate and yet died. He who eats this bread shall live for ever.«
3 Then the Devil said to Him, »If you are God's Son, tell this stone to become bread.«
4 »It is written,« replied Jesus, »It is not on bread alone that a man shall live.'«
35 »I am the bread of Life,« replied Jesus; »he who comes to me shall never hunger, and he who believes in me shall never, never thirst.
29 »Therefore, do not be asking what you are to eat nor what you are to drink; and do not waver between hope and fear.«
30 For though the nations of the world pursue these things, as for you, your Father knows that you need them.
31 But make His Kingdom the object of your pursuit, and these things shall be given you in addition.
25 For this reason I charge you not to be over-anxious about your lives, inquiring what you are to eat or what you are to drink, nor yet about your bodies, inquiring what clothes you are to put on. Is not the life more precious than its food, and the body than its clothing?
31 Meanwhile the disciples were urging Jesus. »Rabbi,« they said, »eat something.«
32 »I have food to eat,« He replied, »of which you do not know.«
33 So the disciples began questioning one another. »Can it be,« they said, »that some one has brought Him something to eat?«
34 »My food,« said Jesus, »is to be obedient to Him who sent me, and fully to accomplish His work.
4 »It is written,« replied Jesus, »It is not on bread alone that a man shall live, but on whatsoever God shall appoint.'«
51 I am the living bread come down out of Heaven. If a man eats this bread, he shall live for ever. Moreover the bread which I will give is my flesh given for the life of the world.«