15 But we shall lovingly hold to the truth, and shall in all respects grow up into union with Him who is our Head, even Christ.
28 »Remember,« said Peter to Him, »that we forsook everything and have become your followers.«
29 »In solemn truth I tell you,« replied Jesus, »that there is no one who has forsaken house or brothers or sisters, or mother or father, or children or lands, for my sake and for the sake of the Good News,
30 but will receive a hundred times as much now in this present life –houses, brothers, sisters, mothers, children, lands– and persecution with them–and in the coming age the Life of the Ages.
31 But many who are now first will be last, and the last, first.«
12 Once more Jesus addressed them. »I am the Light of the world,« He said; »the man who follows me shall certainly not walk in the dark, but shall have the light of Life.«
21 And it is to this you were called; because Christ also suffered on your behalf, leaving you an example so that you should follow in His steps.
22 He never sinned, and no deceitful language was ever heard from His mouth.
23 When He was reviled, He did not answer with reviling; when He suffered He uttered no threats, but left His wrongs in the hands of the righteous Judge.
43 The next day, having decided to leave Bethany and go into Galilee, Jesus found Philip, and invited him to follow Him.
19 And He said to them, »Come and follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.«
20 So they immediately left their nets and followed Him. As He went further on,
26 If a man wishes to be my servant, let him follow me; and where I am, there too shall my servant be. If a man wishes to be my servant, the Father will honour him.
26 »If any one is coming to me who does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes and his own life also, he cannot be a disciple of mine.«
27 No one who does not carry his own cross and come after me can be a disciple of mine.
24 Then Jesus said to His disciples, »If any one desires to follow me, let him renounce self and take up his cross, and so be my follower.
57 And, as they proceeded on their way, a man came to Him and said, »I will follow you wherever you go.«
58 »The foxes have holes,« said Jesus, »and the birds of the air have nests; but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head.«
59 »Follow me,« He said to another. »Master,« the man replied, »allow me first to go and bury my father.«
60 »Leave the dead,« Jesus rejoined, »to bury their own dead; but you must go and announce far and wide the coming of the Kingdom of God.«
61 »Master,« said yet another, »I will follow you; but allow me first to go and say good-bye to my friends at home.«
62 Jesus answered him, »No one who has put his hand to the plough, and then looks behind him, is fit for the Kingdom of God.
9 Passing on thence Jesus saw a man called Matthew sitting at the Toll Office, and said to him, »Follow me.« And he arose, and followed Him.