13 Now, concerning those who from time to time pass away, we would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, lest you should mourn as others do who have no hope.
18 Why, what we now suffer I count as nothing in comparison with the glory which is soon to be manifested in us.
4 He comforts us in our every affliction so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any kind of affliction by means of the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.
18 I will not leave you bereaved: I am coming to you.
36 For you stand in need of patient endurance, so that, as the result of having done the will of God, you may receive the promised blessing.
7 Yet all that was gain to me–for Christ's sake I have reckoned it loss.
8 Nay, I even reckon all things as pure loss because of the priceless privilege of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. And for His sake I have suffered the loss of everything, and reckon it all as mere refuse, in order that I may win Christ and be found in union with Him,
7 The sorrow comes in order that the testing of your faith –being more precious than that of gold, which perishes and yet is proved by fire– may be found to result in praise and glory and honour at the re-appearing of Jesus Christ.