1 Therfor what schulen we seie? Schulen we dwelle in synne, that grace be plenteuouse?

2 God forbede. For hou schulen we that ben deed to synne, lyue yit ther ynne?

3 Whether, britheren, ye knowen not, that whiche euere we ben baptisid in Crist Jhesu, we ben baptisid in his deth?

4 For we ben togidere biried with hym bi baptym `in to deth; that as Crist aroos fro deth bi the glorie of the fadir, so walke we in a newnesse of lijf.

5 For if we plauntid togidere ben maad to the licnesse of his deth, also we schulen be of the licnesse of his risyng ayen;

6 witynge this thing, that oure olde man is crucified togidere, that the bodi of synne be distruyed, that we serue no more to synne.

7 For he that is deed, is iustefied fro synne.

8 And if we ben deed with Crist, we bileuen that also we schulen lyue togidere with hym;

9 witinge for Crist, rysynge ayen fro deth, now dieth not, deeth schal no more haue lordschip on hym.

10 For that he was deed to synne, he was deed onys; but that he lyueth, he liueth to God.

11 So ye deme you silf to be deed to synne, but lyuynge to God in `Jhesu Crist oure Lord.

12 Therfor regne not synne in youre deedli bodi, that ye obeische to hise coueityngis.

13 Nether yyue ye youre membris armuris of wickidnesse to synne, but yyue ye you silf to God, as thei that lyuen of deed men, and youre membris armuris of riytwisnesse to God.

14 For synne schal not haue lordschipe on you; for ye ben not vndur the lawe, but vndur grace.

15 What therfor? Schulen we do synne, for we ben not vndur the lawe, but vndur grace?

16 God forbede. Witen ye not, that to whom ye yyuen you seruauntis to obeie to, ye ben seruauntis of that thing, to which ye han obeschid, ether of synne to deth, ether of obedience to riytwisnesse?

17 But Y thanke God, that ye weren seruauntis of synne; but ye han obeischid of herte in to that fourme of techyng, in which ye ben bitakun.

18 And ye delyuered fro synne, ben maad seruauntis of riytwisnesse.

19 Y seie that thing that is of man, for the vnstidefastnesse of youre fleisch. But as ye han youun youre membris to serue to vnclennesse, and to wickidnesse `in to wickidnesse, so now yyue ye youre membris to serue to riytwisnesse in to hoolynesse.

20 For whanne ye weren seruauntis of synne, ye weren fre of riytfulnesse.

21 Therfor what fruyt hadden ye thanne in tho thingis, in whiche ye schamen now? For the ende of hem is deth.

22 But now ye delyuered fro synne, and maad seruauntis to God, han your fruyt in to holinesse, and the ende euerlastinge lijf. For the wagis of synne is deth; the grace of God is euerlastynge lijf in Crist Jhesu our Lord.

Romanos 6:21,22+ - Bíblia Online - WYCLIFFE