1 The `title of the hundrid and nyne and twentithe `salm. The song of greces. Lord, Y criede to thee fro depthes; Lord, here thou mi vois.
2 Thin eeris be maad ententif; in to the vois of my biseching.
3 Lord, if thou kepist wickidnessis; Lord, who schal susteyne?
4 For merci is at thee; and, Lord, for thi lawe Y abood thee. Mi soule susteynede in his word; my soule hopide in the Lord.
5 Fro the morewtid keping til to niyt;
6 Israel hope in the Lord.
7 For whi merci is at the Lord; and plenteous redempcioun is at hym.
8 And he schal ayen bie Israel; fro alle the wickidnessis therof.