3 Thou hast vndirstonde my thouytis fro fer; thou hast enquerid my path and my corde.
13 Y may alle thingis in hym that coumfortith me.
6 tristenynge this ilke thing, that he that bigan in you a good werk, schal perfourme it til in to the dai of Jhesu Crist.
7 For whi God yaf not to vs the spirit of drede, but of vertu, and of loue, and of sobrenesse.
1 The title of the seuen and twentithe salm. To Dauid. Lord, Y schal crye to thee; my God, be thou not stille fro me, be thou not stille ony tyme fro me; and Y schal be maad lijk to hem, that goen doun in to the lake.
6 In which ye schulen make ioye, thouy it bihoueth now a litil to be sori in dyuerse temptaciouns;
16 And al the puple answeride and seide, Fer be it fro vs that we forsake the Lord, and serue alien goddis.
17 Oure Lord God hym silf ledde vs and oure fadris out of the lond of Egipt, fro the hows of seruage, and dide grete signes in oure siyt; and he kepte vs in al the weie, bi which we yeden, and in alle puplis, bi whiche we passiden; and he castide out alle folkis,
7 therfor, britheren, we ben coumfortid in you, in al oure nede and tribulacioun, bi youre feith.
11 For which thing comforte ye togidere, and edefie ye ech other, as ye doon.
11 For Y knowe the thouytis whiche Y thenke on you, seith the Lord, the thouytis of pees, and not of turment, that Y yyue to you an ende and pacience.
11 For Y desire to se you, to parten sumwhat of spiritual grace,
12 that ye be confermyd, that is, to be coumfortid togidere in you, bi feith that is bothe youre and myn togidere.
16 For which thing we failen not, for thouy oure vtter man be corruptid; netheles the ynner man is renewid fro dai to dai.