18 Wymmen, be ye sugetis to youre hosebondis, as it bihoueth in the Lord.
19 Men, loue ye youre wyues, and nyle ye be bittere to hem.
9 And he wiste that sones schulden not be borun to him, and he entride to the wijf of his brother, and schedde seed in to the erthe, lest the fre children schulden be borun bi the name of the brother;
10 and therfor the Lord smoot hym, for he dide abhomynable thing.
26 Make we man to oure ymage and liknesse, and be he souereyn to the fischis of the see, and to the volatilis of heuene, and to vnresonable beestis of erthe, and to ech creature, and to ech crepynge beest, which is moued in erthe.
27 And God made of nouyt a man to his ymage and liknesse; God made of nouyt a man, to the ymage of God; God made of nouyt hem, male and female.
28 And God blesside hem, and seide, Encreesse ye, and be ye multiplied, and fille ye the erthe, and make ye it suget, and be ye lordis to fischis of the see, and to volatilis of heuene, and to alle lyuynge beestis that ben moued on erthe.
24 And Dauid coumfortid Bersabee, his wijf; and he entride to hir, and slepte with hir. And sche gendride a sone, and Dauid clepide his name Salomon; and the Lord louyde hym.
3 The hosebonde yelde dette to the wijf, and also the wijf to the hosebonde.
4 The womman hath not power of hir bodi, but the hosebonde; and the hosebonde hath not power of his bodi, but the womman.
7 A preest schal not wedde a wijf a corrupt womman, and a foul hoore, nether he schal wedde hir that is forsakun of the hosebonde, for he is halewid to his God,
5 Therfor sle ye youre membris, whiche ben on the erthe, fornycacioun, vnclennesse, letcherie, yuel coueitise, and aueryse, which is seruyse of mawmetis;
14 Housis and richessis ben youun of fadir and modir; but a prudent wijf is youun propirli of the Lord.
4 Wedding is in alle thingis onourable, and bed vnwemmed; for God schal deme fornicatouris and auouteris.
15 Se ye, that no man yelde yuel for yuel to ony man; but euere more sue ye that that is good, ech to othere and to alle men.
27 Thei eeten and drunkun, weddiden wyues, and weren youun to weddyngis, til in to the dai in the whych Noe entride in to the schip; and the greet flood cam, and loste alle.
3 Synneris forgeden on my bak; thei maden long her wickidnesse.
17 Forsothe the Lord beet Farao and his hous with moste veniaunces, for Saray, the wijf of Abram.
18 And Farao clepide Abram, and seide to hym, What is it that thou hast do to me? whi schewidist thou not to me, that sche was thi wijf?
6 His left hond is vndur myn heed; and his riyt hond schal biclippe me.
2 Deme ye youre modir, deme ye, for sche is not my wijf, and Y am not hir hosebonde. Do sche awey hir fornicaciouns fro hir face, and hir auowtries fro the myddis of hir brestis;
25 Men, loue ye youre wyues, as Crist louyde the chirche, and yaf hym silf for it, to make it holi;
26 and clenside it with the waisching of watir, in the word of lijf,
18 Fle ye fornycacioun; al synne what euere synne a man doith, is with out the bodi; but he that doith fornycacioun, synneth ayens his bodi.
19 Whether ye witen not, that youre membris ben the temple of the Hooli Goost, that is in you, whom ye han of God, and ye ben not youre owne?
20 For ye ben bouyt with greet prijs. Glorifie ye, and bere ye God in youre bodi.
21 Therfore the Lord God sente sleep in to Adam, and whanne he slepte, God took oon of hise ribbis, and fillide fleisch for it.
22 And the Lord God bildide the rib which he hadde take fro Adam in to a womman, and brouyte hir to Adam.
23 And Adam seide, This is now a boon of my boonys, and fleisch of my fleisch; this schal be clepid virago, for she is takun of man.
24 Wherfor a man schal forsake fadir and modir, and schal cleue to his wijf, and thei schulen be tweyne in o fleisch.
2 For that womman that is vndur an hosebonde, is boundun to the lawe, while the hosebonde lyueth; but if hir hosebonde is deed, sche is delyuered fro the lawe of the hosebonde.
3 Therfor sche schal be clepid auoutresse, if sche be with another man, while the hosebonde lyueth; but if hir hosebonde is deed, sche is delyuered fro the lawe of the hosebonde, that sche be not auoutresse, if sche be with another man.
25 Men, loue ye youre wyues, as Crist louyde the chirche, and yaf hym silf for it, to make it holi;
26 and clenside it with the waisching of watir, in the word of lijf,
27 to yyue the chirche gloriouse to hym silf, that it hadde no wem, ne ryueling, or ony siche thing, but that it be hooli and vndefoulid.
28 So and men schulen loue her wyues, as her owne bodies. He that loueth his wijf, loueth hym silf;
29 for no man hatide euere his owne fleisch, but nurischith and fostrith it, as Crist doith the chirche.
30 And we ben membris of his bodi, of his fleisch, and of his boonys.
14 For the vnfeithful hosebonde is halewid bi the feithful womman, and the vnfeithful womman is halewid bi the feithful hosebonde. Ellis youre children weren vncleene, but now thei ben hooli.
10 to hem that don letcherie with men, lesingmongeris and forsworun, and if ony othere thing is contrarie to the hoolsum teching,
3 And fornycacioun, and al vnclennesse, or aueryce, be not named among you, as it bicometh holi men;
1 Therfor Sarai, wijf of Abram, hadde not gendrid fre children; but sche hadde a seruauntesse of Egipt, Agar bi name, and seide to hir hosebonde, Lo!
2 the Lord hath closid me, that Y schulde not bere child; entre thou to my seruauntesse, if in hap Y schal take children, nameli of hir. And whanne he assentide to hir preiynge, sche took Agar Egipcian,
3 hir seruauntesse, after ten yeer aftir that thei begunne to enhabite in the lond of Chanaan, and sche yaf Agar wiif to hir hosebonde.
2 But for fornycacioun eche man haue his owne wijf, and ech womman haue hir owne hosebonde.
19 And werkis of the fleisch ben opyn, whiche ben fornicacioun, vnclennes, vnchastite, letcherie, seruice of false goddis,
20 witchecraftis, enmytees, striuyngis, indignaciouns, wraththis, chidingis, discenciouns, sectis, enuyes,
21 manslauytris, dronkennessis, vnmesurable etyngis, and thingis lijk to these, whiche Y seie to you, as Y haue told to you to fore, for thei that doon suche thingis, schulen not haue the kyngdom of God.
8 Whanne thou art bodun to bridalis, sitte not at the mete in the firste place; lest perauenture a worthier than thou be bodun of hym,
1 Thou bareyn, that childist not, herie; thou that childist not, synge heriyng, and make ioie; for whi many sones ben of the forsakun womman more than of hir that hadde hosebonde, seith the Lord.
28 So and men schulen loue her wyues, as her owne bodies. He that loueth his wijf, loueth hym silf;
29 for no man hatide euere his owne fleisch, but nurischith and fostrith it, as Crist doith the chirche.
30 And we ben membris of his bodi, of his fleisch, and of his boonys.
5 Whanne a man hath take late a wijf, he schal not go forth to batel, nethir ony thing of comyn nede schal be enioyned to hym, but he schal yyue tent with out blame to his hows, that he be glad in o yeer with his wijf.
1 Forsothe Adam knewe Eue his wijf, which conseyuede, and childide Cayn, and seide, Y haue gete a man bi God.
25 Also yit Adam knewe his wijf, and sche childide a sone, and clepide his name Seth, and seide, God hath put to me another seed for Abel, whom Cayn killide.
2 For thi tetis ben betere than wyn, and yyuen odour with beste oynementis. Thi name is oile sched out; therfor yonge damesels loueden thee.
3 The hosebonde yelde dette to the wijf, and also the wijf to the hosebonde.
4 The womman hath not power of hir bodi, but the hosebonde; and the hosebonde hath not power of his bodi, but the womman.
5 Nyle ye defraude eche to othere, but perauenture of consent to a tyme, that ye yyue tent to preier; and eft turne ye ayen to the same thing, lest Sathanas tempte you for youre vncontynence.
14 And vpon alle these thingis haue ye charite, that is the boond of perfeccioun.
29 So he that entrith to the wijf of his neiybore; schal not be cleene, whanne he hath touchid hir.
7 My frendesse, thou art al faire, and no wem is in thee.
27 Ye han herd that it was seid to elde men, Thou schalt do no letcherie.
28 But Y seie to you, that euery man that seeth a womman for to coueite hir, hath now do letcherie bi hir in his herte.
14 Be ye conuertid, sones, turnynge ayen, seith the Lord, for Y am youre hosebonde; and Y schal take you oon of a citee, and tweyne of a kynrede, and Y schal lede you in to Sion;
14 And vpon alle these thingis haue ye charite, that is the boond of perfeccioun.
15 And the pees of Crist enioye in youre hertis, in which ye ben clepid in o bodi, and be ye kynde.
16 The word of Crist dwelle in you plenteuousli, in al wisdom; and teche and moneste you silf in salmes, and ympnes, and spiritual songis, in grace synginge in youre hertis to the Lord.
17 Al thing, what euere thing ye don, in word or in dede, alle thingis in the name of oure Lord Jhesu Crist, doynge thankyngis to God and to the fadir bi hym.
6 If ony man is withoute cryme, an hosebonde of o wijf, and hath feithful sones, not in accusacioun of letcherie, or not suget.
28 So and men schulen loue her wyues, as her owne bodies. He that loueth his wijf, loueth hym silf;
18 Thi veyne be blessid; and be thou glad with the womman of thi yong wexynge age.
19 An hynde moost dereworthe; and an hert calf moost acceptable. Hir teetis fille thee in al tyme; and delite thou contynueli in the loue of hir.
1 In al maner fornycacioun is herd among you, and siche fornycacioun, which is not among hethene men, so that summan haue the wijf of his fadir.
2 And ye ben bolnyd with pride, and not more hadden weilyng, that he that dide this werk, be takun awei fro the myddil of you.
22 He that fyndith a good womman, fyndith a good thing; and of the Lord he schal drawe vp myrthe. He that puttith a wey a good womman, puttith awei a good thing; but he that holdith auowtresse, is a fool and vnwijs.
4 Charite is pacient, it is benygne; charite enuyeth not, it doith not wickidli, it is not blowun,
5 it is not coueytouse, it sekith not tho thingis that ben hise owne, it is not stirid to wraththe, it thenkith not yuel,
6 it ioyeth not on wickidnesse, but it ioieth togidere to treuthe;
7 it suffrith alle thingis, it bileueth alle thingis, it hopith alle thingis, it susteyneth alle thingis.
4 A diligent womman is a coroun to hir hosebond; and rot is in the boonys of that womman, that doith thingis worthi of confusioun.
22 Wymmen, be thei suget to her hosebondis,
23 as to the Lord, for the man is heed of the wymman, as Crist is heed of the chirche; he is sauyour of his bodi.
24 But as the chirche is suget to Crist, so wymmen to her hosebondis in alle thingis.
32 But Y wole, that ye be without bisynesse, for he that is without wijf, is bisi what thingis ben of the Lord, hou he schal plese God.
33 But he that is with a wijf, is bysy what thingis ben of the world, hou he schal plese the wijf, and he is departid.
34 And a womman vnweddid and maidun thenkith what thingis ben of the Lord, that sche be hooli in bodi and spirit. But sche that is weddid, thenkith what thingis ben of the world, hou sche schal plese the hosebonde.
21 Therfor Abia, whanne his empire was coumforted, took fourtene wyues, and he gendride two and twenti sones, and sixtene douytris.
3 For this is the wille of God, youre holynesse, that ye absteyne you fro fornycacioun.
4 That ech of you kunne welde his vessel in holynesse, and onour;
5 not in passioun of lust, as hethene men that knowen not God.
10 If a man doith leccherie with the wijf of another man, and doith auowtrie with the wijf of his neiybore, bothe auowter and auowtresse die bi deeth.
13 If a man slepith with a man, bi letcherie of a womman, euer either hath wrouyt vnleueful thing, die thei bi deeth; her blood be on hem.
31 And it hath be seyd, Who euere leeueth his wijf, yyue he to hir a libel of forsakyng.
32 But Y seie to you, that euery man that leeueth his wijf, outtakun cause of fornycacioun, makith hir to do letcherie, and he that weddith the forsakun wijf, doith auowtrye.
8 But Y seie to hem, that ben not weddid, and to widewis, it is good to hem, if thei dwellen so as Y.
9 That if thei conteynen not hem silf, be thei weddid; for it is betere to be weddid, than to be brent.
10 But to hem that ben ioyned in matrymonye, Y comaunde, not Y, but the Lord, that the wijf departe not fro the hosebonde;
11 and that if sche departith, that sche dwelle vnweddid, or be recounselid to hir hosebonde; and the hosebonde forsake not the wijf.
10 Who schal fynde a stronge womman? the prijs of her is fer, and fro the laste endis.
22 And the Lord God bildide the rib which he hadde take fro Adam in to a womman, and brouyte hir to Adam.
23 And Adam seide, This is now a boon of my boonys, and fleisch of my fleisch; this schal be clepid virago, for she is takun of man.
24 Wherfor a man schal forsake fadir and modir, and schal cleue to his wijf, and thei schulen be tweyne in o fleisch.
4 Which answeride, and seide to hem, Han ye not red, for he that made men at the bigynnyng, made hem male and female?
5 And he seide, For this thing a man schal leeue fadir and modir, and he schal draw to his wijf; and thei schulen be tweyne in o fleisch.
6 And so thei ben not now tweyne, but o fleisch. Therfor a man departe not that thing that God hath ioyned.
36 And Anna was a prophetesse, the douytir of Fanuel, of the lynage of Aser. And sche hadde goon forth in many daies, and hadde lyued with hir hosebonde seuene yeer fro hir maydynhode.
6 Set thou me as a signet on thin herte, as a signet on thin arm; for loue is strong as deth, enuy is hard as helle; the laumpis therof ben laumpis of fier, and of flawmes.
7 Many watris moun not quenche charite, nether floodis schulen oppresse it. Thouy a man yyue al the catel of his hous for loue, he schal dispise that catel as nouyt.
33 Netheles ye alle, ech man loue his wijf as hym silf; and the wijf drede hir hosebonde.
21 and diden not penaunce of her mansleyngis, nether of her witchecraftis, nethir of her fornicacioun, nethir of her theftis, weren slayn.
6 And so thei ben not now tweyne, but o fleisch. Therfor a man departe not that thing that God hath ioyned.
9 It is betere to sitte in the corner of an hous with oute roof, than with a womman ful of chydyng, and in a comyn hous.
29 And euery man that forsakith hous, britheren or sistren, fadir or modir, wijf ethir children, or feeldis, for my name, he schal take an hundrid foold, and schal welde euerlastynge lijf.
31 For this thing a man schal forsake his fadir and modir, and he schal drawe to his wijf; and thei schulen be tweyne in o fleisch.
36 The Lord God seith these thingis, For thi riches is sched out, and thi schenschipe is schewid in thi fornicaciouns on thi louyeris, and on the idols of thin abhomynaciouns, in the blood of thi sones, whiche thou yauest to hem; lo!
37 Y schal gadere to gidere alle thi louyeris, with whiche thou were meddlid, and alle men whiche thou louedist, with alle men whiche thou hatidist; and Y schal gadere hem on thee on ech side, and Y schal make nakid thi schenschipe bifore hem, and thei schulen se al thi filthe.
9 Therfor it is betere, that tweyne be togidere than oon; for thei han profite of her felouschipe.
10 If oon fallith doun, he schal be vndurset of the tothere; wo to hym that is aloone, for whanne he fallith, he hath noon reisynge him.
11 And if tweyne slepen, thei schulen be nurschid togidere; hou schal oon be maad hoot?
12 And if ony man hath maistri ayens oon, tweyne ayen stonden hym; a threfolde corde is brokun of hard.
7 Also men dwelle togidre, and bi kunnyng yyue ye onoure to the wommanus freeltee, as to the more feble, and as to euen eiris of grace and of lijf, that youre preieris be not lettid.
25 Men, loue ye youre wyues, as Crist louyde the chirche, and yaf hym silf for it, to make it holi;
26 and clenside it with the waisching of watir, in the word of lijf,
27 to yyue the chirche gloriouse to hym silf, that it hadde no wem, ne ryueling, or ony siche thing, but that it be hooli and vndefoulid.
4 And thei seiden, Moises suffride to write a libel of forsaking, and to forsake.
5 To whiche Jhesus answeride, and seide, For the hardnesse of youre herte Moises wroot to you this comaundement.
6 But fro the bigynnyng of creature God made hem male and female;
7 and seide, For this thing a man schal leeue his fadir and modir,
8 and schal drawe to hys wijf, and thei schulen be tweyne in o flesch. And so now thei ben not tweyne, but o flesch.
9 Therfor that thing that God ioynede togidere, no man departe.
22 He that fyndith a good womman, fyndith a good thing; and of the Lord he schal drawe vp myrthe. He that puttith a wey a good womman, puttith awei a good thing; but he that holdith auowtresse, is a fool and vnwijs.
24 Wherfor a man schal forsake fadir and modir, and schal cleue to his wijf, and thei schulen be tweyne in o fleisch.
9 Whether ye witen not, that wickid men schulen not welde the kyngdom of God? Nyle ye erre; nethir letchours, nether men that seruen mawmetis, nether auouteris,
10 nether letchouris ayen kynde, nether thei that doon letcheri with men, nether theues, nether auerouse men, nethir ful of drunkenesse, nether curseris, nether rauenours, schulen welde the kyngdom of God.
10 I ioiynge schal haue ioie in the Lord, and my soule schal make ful out ioiyng in my God. For he hath clothid me with clothis of helthe, and he hath compassid me with clothis of riytfulnesse, as a spouse made feir with a coroun, and as a spousesse ourned with her brochis.
22 He that fyndith a good womman, fyndith a good thing; and of the Lord he schal drawe vp myrthe. He that puttith a wey a good womman, puttith awei a good thing; but he that holdith auowtresse, is a fool and vnwijs.
22 Wymmen, be thei suget to her hosebondis,
23 as to the Lord, for the man is heed of the wymman, as Crist is heed of the chirche; he is sauyour of his bodi.
10 To whom the Lord seide, Y schal turne ayen, and Y schal come to thee in this tyme, if Y lyue; and Sare, thi wijf, schal haue a sone. Whanne this was herd, Sare leiyede bihynde the dore of the tabernacle.
11 Forsothe bothe weren olde, and of greet age, and wommans termes ceessiden to be maad to Sare.
12 And she leiyede, seiynge pryueli, after that Y wexede eld, and my lord is eld, schal Y yyue diligence to lust?
29 This is the lawe of gelousie, if a womman bowith awei fro hir hosebonde, and is defoulid,
30 and the hosebonde is stirid with the spirit of gelousye, and bryngith hir in to the siyt of the Lord, and the preest doith to hir bi alle thingis that ben writun, the hosebonde schal be with out synne,
7 Many watris moun not quenche charite, nether floodis schulen oppresse it. Thouy a man yyue al the catel of his hous for loue, he schal dispise that catel as nouyt.
12 And if the wijf leeue hir housebonde, and be weddid to another man, sche doith letcherie.
17 Thou schalt not coueyte the hous of thi neiybore, nether thou schalt desyre his wijf, not seruaunt, not handmaide, not oxe, not asse, nether alle thingis that ben hise.
1 If a man takith a wijf, and hath hir, and sche fyndith not grace bifor hise iyen for sum vilite, he schal write a libel, ethir litil book, of forsakyng, and he schal yyue in the hond of hir, and he schal delyuere hir fro his hows.
15 Whether oon made not, and residue of spirit is his? and what sekith oon, no but the seed of God? Therfore kepe ye youre spirit, and nyle thou dispise the wijf of thi yongthe;
16 whanne thou hatist hir, leue thou hir, seith the Lord God of Israel. Forsothe wickidnesse schal kyuere the closyng of hym, seith the Lord of oostis; kepe ye youre spirit, and nyle ye dispise.
4 Wedding is in alle thingis onourable, and bed vnwemmed; for God schal deme fornicatouris and auouteris.
9 The herte of a man schal dispose his weie; but it perteyneth to the Lord to dresse hise steppis.
39 The womman is boundun to the lawe, as longe tyme as hir hosebonde lyueth; and if hir hosebonde is deed, sche is delyuered fro the lawe of the hosebonde, be sche weddid to whom sche wole, oneli in the Lord.
3 The hosebonde yelde dette to the wijf, and also the wijf to the hosebonde.
4 The womman hath not power of hir bodi, but the hosebonde; and the hosebonde hath not power of his bodi, but the womman.
5 Nyle ye defraude eche to othere, but perauenture of consent to a tyme, that ye yyue tent to preier; and eft turne ye ayen to the same thing, lest Sathanas tempte you for youre vncontynence.
4 Wedding is in alle thingis onourable, and bed vnwemmed; for God schal deme fornicatouris and auouteris.
24 Wherfor a man schal forsake fadir and modir, and schal cleue to his wijf, and thei schulen be tweyne in o fleisch.
25 Forsothe euer eithir was nakid, that is, Adam and his wijf, and thei weren not aschamed.
7 Also men dwelle togidre, and bi kunnyng yyue ye onoure to the wommanus freeltee, as to the more feble, and as to euen eiris of grace and of lijf, that youre preieris be not lettid.
8 Thou schalt not vnhile the filthe of the wijf of thi fadir, for it is the filthe of thi fadir.
20 Thou schalt not do letcherie with the wijf of thi neiybore, nether thou schalt be defoulid with medlyng of seed.
33 Netheles ye alle, ech man loue his wijf as hym silf; and the wijf drede hir hosebonde.
13 Mete to the wombe, and the wombe to metis; and God schal distruye bothe this and that. And the bodi not to fornycacioun, but to the Lord, and the Lord to the bodi.
14 For God reiside the Lord, and schal reise vs bi his vertu.
18 And the Lord God seide, It is not good that a man be aloone, make we to hym an help lijk to hym silf.
2 The bigynnyng of the spekyng to the Lord in Osee. And the Lord seide to Osee, Go thou, take to thee a wijf of fornycaciouns, and make to thee sones of fornycaciouns, for the lond doynge fornicacioun schal do fornicacioun fro the Lord.
2 Therfor it bihoueth a byschop to be with out repreef, the hosebonde of o wijf, sobre, prudent, chast, vertewous, holdinge hospitalite, a techere;
12 Dekenes be hosebondis of o wijf; whiche gouerne wel her sones and her housis.
13 If a man weddith a wijf, and aftirward hatith hir,
14 and sekith occasiouns bi which he schal forsake hir, and puttith ayens hir the werste name, and seith, Y haue take this wijf, and Y entride to hir, and Y foond not hir virgyn; the fadir and modir of hir schulen take
15 hir, and thei schulen bere with hem the signes of her virgynyte to the eldre men of the citee, that ben in the yate;
16 and the fadir schal seie, Y yaf my douytir wijf to this man, and for he hatith hir, he puttith to hir the werste name,
17 that he seye, Y foond not thi douytir virgyn; and lo! these ben the signes of virgynyte of my douytir; thei schulen sprede forth a cloth bifor the eldre men of the citee. And the eldere men of that citee schulen
32 But he that is avouter; schal leese his soule, for the pouert of herte.
20 But Y haue ayens thee a fewe thingis; for thou suffrist the womman Jesabel, which seith that sche is a prophetesse, to teche and disseyue my seruauntis, to do letcherie, and to ete of thingis offrid to idols.
5 Thi twei tetis ben as twey kidis, twynnes of a capret, that ben fed in lilies,
9 My sister spousesse, thou hast woundid myn herte; thou hast woundid myn herte, in oon of thin iyen, and in oon heer of thi necke.
1 But of thilke thingis that ye han write to me, it is good to a man to touche not a womman.
2 But for fornycacioun eche man haue his owne wijf, and ech womman haue hir owne hosebonde.
22 Wymmen, be thei suget to her hosebondis,
23 as to the Lord, for the man is heed of the wymman, as Crist is heed of the chirche; he is sauyour of his bodi.
24 But as the chirche is suget to Crist, so wymmen to her hosebondis in alle thingis.
25 Men, loue ye youre wyues, as Crist louyde the chirche, and yaf hym silf for it, to make it holi;
26 and clenside it with the waisching of watir, in the word of lijf,
27 to yyue the chirche gloriouse to hym silf, that it hadde no wem, ne ryueling, or ony siche thing, but that it be hooli and vndefoulid.
28 So and men schulen loue her wyues, as her owne bodies. He that loueth his wijf, loueth hym silf;
29 for no man hatide euere his owne fleisch, but nurischith and fostrith it, as Crist doith the chirche.
30 And we ben membris of his bodi, of his fleisch, and of his boonys.
31 For this thing a man schal forsake his fadir and modir, and he schal drawe to his wijf; and thei schulen be tweyne in o fleisch.
32 This sacrament is greet; yhe, Y seie in Crist, and in the chirche.
33 Netheles ye alle, ech man loue his wijf as hym silf; and the wijf drede hir hosebonde.
9 Vse thou lijf with the wijf which thou louest, in alle the daies of lijf of thin vnstablenesse, that ben youun to thee vndur sunne, in al the tyme of thi vanyte; for this is thi part in thi lijf and trauel, bi which thou trauelist vndur the sunne.
10 And Jhesus reiside hym silf, and seide to hir, Womman, where ben thei that accusiden thee? no man hath dampned thee.
11 Sche seide, No man, Lord. Jhesus seide to hir, Nethir Y schal dampne thee; go thou, and now aftirward nyle thou synne more.
2 for trewe and iust ben the domes of hym, whiche demede of the greet hoore, that defoulide the erthe in her letcherye, and vengide the blood of hise seruauntis, of the hondis of hir.
9 Vse thou lijf with the wijf which thou louest, in alle the daies of lijf of thin vnstablenesse, that ben youun to thee vndur sunne, in al the tyme of thi vanyte; for this is thi part in thi lijf and trauel, bi which thou trauelist vndur the sunne.
5 And he seide, For this thing a man schal leeue fadir and modir, and he schal draw to his wijf; and thei schulen be tweyne in o fleisch.
6 And so thei ben not now tweyne, but o fleisch. Therfor a man departe not that thing that God hath ioyned.
14 Nyle ye bere the yok with vnfeithful men. For what parting of riytwisnes with wickidnesse? or what felouschipe of liyt to derknessis?
14 Thou schalt do no letcherie.
24 and seiden, Mayster, Moises seide, if ony man is deed, not hauynge a sone, that his brother wedde his wijf, and reise seed to his brothir.
30 For in the rysyng ayen to lijf, nether thei schulen wedde, nethir schulen be weddid; but thei ben as the aungels of God in heuene.
13 He schal wedde a wijf virgyn;
14 he schal not take a widewe, and forsakun, and a foul womman, and hoore, but a damesele of his puple;