2 He schal seie to the Lord, Thou art myn vptaker, and my refuit; my God, Y schal hope in him.
3 Crye thou to me, and Y schal here thee, and Y schal telle to thee grete thingis, and stidfast, whiche thou knowist not.
35 And he took a child, and sette hym in the myddil of hem; and whanne he hadde biclippid hym, he seide to hem,
8 Al erthe drede the Lord; sotheli alle men enhabitynge the world ben mouyd of hym.
28 Ther is no Jewe, ne Greke, ne bond man, ne fre man, ne male, ne female; for alle ye ben oon in Jhesu Crist.
29 And if ye ben oon in Jhesu Crist, thanne ye ben the seed of Abraham, and eiris bi biheest.
3 For we walkynge in fleisch, fiyten not aftir the fleisch.
7 The bigynnyng of wisdom, welde thou wisdom; and in al thi possessioun gete thou prudence.
9 Wo to hym that ayen seith his maker, a tiel stoon of erthe of Sannys. Whether clei seith to his pottere, What makist thou, and thi werk is withouten hondis?
5 As thou knowist not, which is the weye of the spirit, and bi what resoun boonys ben ioyned togidere in the wombe of a womman with childe, so thou knowist not the werkis of God, which is makere of alle thingis.
29 He that is pacient, is gouerned bi myche wisdom; but he that is vnpacient, enhaunsith his foli.
28 Whether thou knowist not, ether herdist thou not? God, euerlastynge Lord, that made of nouyt the endis of erthe, schal not faile, nether schal trauele, nether enserchyng of his wisdom is.
3 nether in the sones of men, in whiche is noon helthe.
26 Jhesus bihelde, and seide to hem, Anentis men this thing is impossible; but anentis God alle thingis ben possible.
21 Many thouytis ben in the herte of a man; but the wille of the Lord schal dwelle.
21 But preue ye alle thingis, and holde ye that thing that is good.
22 Absteyne you fro al yuel spice.
18 while that we biholden not tho thingis that ben seyn, but tho that ben not seyn. For tho thingis that ben seyn, ben but durynge for a schort tyme; but tho thingis that ben not seyn, ben euerlastynge.
3 Jhesus answerde, and seide to hym, Treuli, treuli, Y seie to thee, but a man be borun ayen, he may not se the kyngdom of God.
2 Ech weye of a man semeth riytful to hym silf; but the Lord peisith the hertis.
9 For as heuenys ben reisid fro erthe, so my weies ben reisid fro youre weies, and my thouytis fro youre thouytis.
13 No man whanne he is temptid, seie, that he is temptid of God; for whi God is not a temptere of yuele thingis, for he temptith no man.
4 With hise schuldris he schal make schadowe to thee; and thou schalt haue hope vnder hise fetheris.
18 But wexe ye in the grace and the knowyng of oure Lord Jhesu Crist and oure Sauyour; to hym be glorie now and in to the dai of euerlastyngnesse. Amen.
33 O! the heiynesse of the ritchessis of the wisdom and of the kunnyng of God; hou incomprehensible ben hise domes, and hise weies ben vnserchable.
17 that God of oure Lord Jhesu Crist, the fadir of glorie, yyue to you the spirit of wisdom and of reuelacioun, in to the knowyng of hym;