7 A riche man comaundith to pore men; and he that takith borewyng, is the seruaunt of the leenere.
6 Thou schalt leene to many folkis, and thou schalt not take borewyng of ony man; thou schalt be lord of ful many naciouns, and no man schal be lord of thee.
24 No man may serue tweyn lordis, for ethir he schal hate the toon, and loue the tother; ethir he shal susteyne the toon, and dispise the tothir. Ye moun not serue God and richessis.
27 Nil thou forbede to do wel him that mai; if thou maist, and do thou wel.
21 Thei that yelden yuels for goodis, backbitiden me; for Y suede goodnesse.
30 And yyue to eche that axith thee, and if a man takith awei tho thingis that ben thine, axe thou not ayen.
7 Therfor yelde ye to alle men dettis, to whom tribut, tribut, to whom tol, tol, to whom drede, drede, to whom onour, onour.
28 For who of you willynge to bilde a toure, whether he first sitte not, and countith the spensis that ben nedeful, if he haue to perfourme?
5 Be youre maneres withoute coueitise, apaied with present thingis; for he seide, Y schal not leeue thee,
11 Hastid catel schal be maad lesse; but that that is gaderid litil and litil with hond, schal be multiplied.
12 and foryyue to vs oure dettis, as we foryyuen to oure dettouris; and lede vs not in to temptacioun,
8 To no man owe ye ony thing, but that ye loue togidere. For he that loueth his neiybore, hath fulfillid the lawe.