16 that he yyue to you, aftir the richessis of his glorie, vertu to be strengthid bi his spirit in the ynnere man,
17 that Crist dwelle bi feith in youre hertis; that ye rootid and groundid in charite,
3 that the preuyng of youre feith worchith pacience;
23 And anoon the fadir of the child criede with teeris, and seide, Lord, Y bileue; Lord, helpe thou myn vnbileue.
26 For as the bodi with out spirit is deed, so also feith with out werkis is deed.
13 if we bileuen not, he dwellith feithful, he mai not denye hym silf.
35 And Jhesus seide to hem, Y am breed of lijf; he that cometh to me, schal not hungur; he that bileueth in me, schal neuere thirste.
17 For the riytwisnesse of God is schewid in it, of feith in to feith,
24 Therfor Y seie to you, alle thingis what euer thingis ye preynge schulen axe, bileue ye that ye schulen take, and thei schulen come to you.
15 Yhe, thouy God sleeth me, Y schal hope in hym; netheles Y schal preue my weies in his siyt.
7 for we walken bi feith, and not bi cleer siyt.
23 And anoon the fadir of the child criede with teeris, and seide, Lord, Y bileue; Lord, helpe thou myn vnbileue.
40 Jhesus seith to hir, Haue Y not seid to thee, that if thou bileuest, thou schalt se the glorie of God?
5 For we thoruy the spirit of bileue abiden the hope of riytfulnesse.
20 And now lyue not Y, but Crist lyueth in me. But that Y lyue now in fleisch, Y lyue in the feith of Goddis sone, that louede me, and yaf hym silf for me.
17 Therfor feith is of heryng, but heryng bi the word of Crist.
22 And alle thingis what euere ye bileuynge schulen axe in preyer, ye schulen take.
22 And Jhesus answeride and seide to hem, Haue ye the feith of God;
13 Walke ye, and stonde ye in the feith; do ye manli, and be ye coumfortid in the Lord,
2 And if Y haue prophecie, and knowe alle mysteries, and al kunnynge, and if Y haue al feith, so that Y meue hillis fro her place, and Y haue not charite, Y am nouyt.
52 Jhesus seide to hym, Go thou, thi feith hath maad thee saaf. And anoon he saye, and suede hym in the weie.
1 But feith is the substaunce of thingis that ben to be hopid, and an argument of thingis not apperynge.
6 And it is impossible to plese God without feith. For it bihoueth that a man comynge to God, bileue that he is, and that he is rewardere to men that seken hym.
3 hauynge mynde of the werk of youre feith, and trauel, and charite, and abyding of the hope of oure Lord Jhesu Crist, bifor God and oure fadir.
2 biholdinge in to the makere of feith, and the perfit endere, Jhesu; which whanne ioye was purposid to hym, he suffride the cros, and dispiside confusioun, and sittith on the riythalf of the seet of God.
11 Bi feith also the ilke Sara bareyn, took vertu in consceyuyng of seed, yhe, ayen the tyme of age; for sche bileuede hym trewe, that hadde bihiyte.
38 For my iust man lyueth of feith; that if he withdrawith hym silf, he schal not plese to my soule.
4 For al thing that is borun of God, ouercometh the world; and this is the victorie that ouercometh the world, oure feith.
7 Y haue stryuun a good strijf, Y haue endid the cours, Y haue kept the feith.
10 For bi herte me bileueth to riytwisnesse, but bi mouth knowleching is maad to helthe.
11 But, thou, man of God, fle these thingis; but sue thou riytwisnesse, pite, feith, charite, pacience, myldenesse.
36 He that bileueth in the sone, hath euerlastynge lijf; but he that is vnbileueful to the sone, schal not se euerlastynge lijf, but the wraththe of God dwellith on hym.
4 For al thing that is borun of God, ouercometh the world; and this is the victorie that ouercometh the world, oure feith.
5 Haue thou trist in the Lord, of al thin herte; and triste thou not to thi prudence.
6 In alle thi weies thenke thou on hym, and he schal dresse thi goyngis.
1 But feith is the substaunce of thingis that ben to be hopid, and an argument of thingis not apperynge.
16 In alle thingis take ye the scheld of feith, in which ye moun quenche alle the firy dartis of the worste.
8 For bi grace ye ben sauyd bi feith, and this not of you; for it is the yifte of God,
9 not of werkis, that no man haue glorie.
13 And God of hope fulfille you in al ioye and pees in bileuynge, that ye encrees in hope and vertu of the Hooli Goost.
11 But, thou, man of God, fle these thingis; but sue thou riytwisnesse, pite, feith, charite, pacience, myldenesse.
7 therfor, britheren, we ben coumfortid in you, in al oure nede and tribulacioun, bi youre feith.
1 But feith is the substaunce of thingis that ben to be hopid, and an argument of thingis not apperynge.
7 for we walken bi feith, and not bi cleer siyt.
8 Whom whanne ye han not seyn, ye louen; in to whom also now ye not seynge, bileuen; but ye that bileuen schulen haue ioye, and gladnesse that may not be teld out,
9 and ye schulen be glorified, and haue the ende of youre feith, the helthe of youre soulis.
29 Thanne he touchide her iyen, and seide, Aftir youre feith be it doon to you.
9 Whom ayenstonde ye, stronge in the feith, witynge that the same passioun is maad to thilke brithirhode of you, that is in the world.
26 For alle ye ben the children of God thoruy the bileue of Jhesu Crist.
27 For alle ye that ben baptisid, ben clothid with Crist.
28 Thanne Jhesus answeride, and seide to hir, A! womman, thi feith is greet; be it doon to thee, as thou wolt. And hir douytir was helid fro that hour.
15 For whi the Lord God, the hooli of Israel, seith these thingis, If ye turnen ayen, and resten, ye schulen be saaf; in stilnesse and in hope schal be youre strengthe. And ye nolden.
16 In alle thingis take ye the scheld of feith, in which ye moun quenche alle the firy dartis of the worste.
20 but this kynde is not caste out, but bi preiyng and fastyng.
6 And it is impossible to plese God without feith. For it bihoueth that a man comynge to God, bileue that he is, and that he is rewardere to men that seken hym.
25 Jhesus seith to hir, Y am ayen risyng and lijf; he that bileueth in me, yhe, thouy he be deed,
26 he schal lyue; and ech that lyueth, and bileueth in me, schal not die with outen ende. Bileuest thou this thing?
6 And it is impossible to plese God without feith. For it bihoueth that a man comynge to God, bileue that he is, and that he is rewardere to men that seken hym.
4 For al thing that is borun of God, ouercometh the world; and this is the victorie that ouercometh the world, oure feith.
5 that youre feith be not in the wisdom of men, but in the vertu of God.
6 In which ye schulen make ioye, thouy it bihoueth now a litil to be sori in dyuerse temptaciouns;
7 that the preuyng of youre feith be myche more preciouse than gold, that is preuyd bi fier; and be foundun in to heriyng, and glorie, and onour, in the reuelacioun of Jhesu Crist.
8 Whom whanne ye han not seyn, ye louen; in to whom also now ye not seynge, bileuen; but ye that bileuen schulen haue ioye, and gladnesse that may not be teld out,
9 and ye schulen be glorified, and haue the ende of youre feith, the helthe of youre soulis.
16 For God louede so the world, that he yaf his oon bigetun sone, that ech man that bileueth in him perische not, but haue euerlastynge lijf.
37 for euery word schal not be inpossible anentis God.
5 Sotheli to hym that worchith not, but bileueth in to hym that iustefieth a wickid man, his feith is arettid to riytwisnesse, aftir the purpos of Goddis grace.
9 and ye schulen be glorified, and haue the ende of youre feith, the helthe of youre soulis.
17 Therfor feith is of heryng, but heryng bi the word of Crist.
6 But axe he in feith, and doute no thing; for he that doutith, is lijk to a wawe of the see, which is moued and borun a boute of wynde.
5 And if ony of you nedith wisdom, axe he of God, which yyueth to alle men largeli, and vpbreidith not; and it schal be youun to hym.
6 But axe he in feith, and doute no thing; for he that doutith, is lijk to a wawe of the see, which is moued and borun a boute of wynde.
7 Therfor gesse not the ilke man, that he schal take ony thing of the Lord.
8 A man dowble in soule is vnstable in alle hise weies.
20 but this kynde is not caste out, but bi preiyng and fastyng.
2 And lo! thei brouyten to hym a man sike in palesie, liggynge in a bed. And Jhesus saw the feith of hem, and seide to the man sike in palesye, Sone, haue thou trist; thi synnes ben foryouun to thee.
23 For he that demeth, is dampned, if he etith; for it is not of feith. And al thing that is not of feith, is synne.
3 that the preuyng of youre feith worchith pacience;
1 Therfor we, iustified of feith, haue we pees at God bi oure Lord Jhesu Crist.
21 And Jhesus answeride, and seide to hem, Treuli Y seie to you, if ye haue feith, and douten not, not oonli ye schulen do of the fige tree, but also if ye seyn to this hil, Take, and caste thee in to the see, it schal be don so.
1 But take ye a sijk man in bileue, not in demyngis of thouytis.
2 whiche is aftir pitee, in to the hope of euerlastinge lijf, which lijf God that lieth not, bihiyte bifore tymes of the world;