7 Therfor yelde ye to alle men dettis, to whom tribut, tribut, to whom tol, tol, to whom drede, drede, to whom onour, onour.
12 Bifor alle thingis, my britheren, nyle ye swere, nether bi heuene, nether bi erthe, nethir bi what euere other ooth. But be youre word Yhe, yhe, Nay, nay, that ye fallen not vndir doom.
13 He that hidith hise grete trespassis, schal not be maad riytful; but he that knoulechith and forsakith tho, schal gete merci.
3 The simplenesse of iust men schal dresse hem; and the disseyuyng of weiward men schal destrie hem.
13 For the synnes of lippis falling doun neiyeth to an yuel man; but a iust man schal scape fro angwisch.
17 He that spekith that, that he knowith, is a iuge of riytfulnesse; but he that lieth, is a gileful witnesse.
6 If we seien, that we han felawschip with hym, and we wandren in derknessis, we lien, and don not treuthe.
9 Thanne thou schalt vndirstonde riytfulnesse, and dom, and equytee, and ech good path.
18 Mi litle sones, loue we not in word, nethir in tunge, but in werk and treuthe.
16 Therfor knouleche ye ech to othere youre synnes, and preye ye ech for othere, that ye be sauyd. For the contynuel preyer of a iust man is myche worth.
17 But wisdom that is from aboue, first it is chast, aftirward pesible, mylde, able to be counseilid, consentinge to goode thingis, ful of merci and of goode fruytis, demynge with out feynyng.
16 No man lityneth a lanterne, and hilith it with a vessel, or puttith it vndur a bed, but on a candilstike, that men that entren seen liyt.
7 I am maad a wretche, and Y am bowid doun til in to the ende; al dai Y entride sorewful.
1 A gileful balaunce is abhominacioun anentis God; and an euene weiyte is his wille.
3 The simplenesse of iust men schal dresse hem; and the disseyuyng of weiward men schal destrie hem.
15 Bisili kepe to yyue thi silf a preued preisable werkman to God, with oute schame, riytli tretinge the word of treuthe.
8 Blessid ben thei that ben of clene herte, for thei schulen se God.
21 For we purueyen good thingis, not onely bifor God, but also bifor alle men.
8 Betere is a litil with riytfulnesse, than many fruytis with wickidnesse.
17 to no man yeldynge yuel for yuel, but purueye ye good thingis, not oneli bifor God, but also bifor alle men.
2 Tresouris of wickidnesse schulen not profite; but riytfulnesse schal delyuere fro deth.
3 To do merci and doom plesith more the Lord, than sacrifices doen.
5 Who is as oure Lord God, that dwellith in hiye thingis;
2 faile we not, but do we awei the preue thingis of schame, not walkinge in sutil gile, nether doynge auoutrye bi the word of God, but in schewynge of the treuthe comendynge vs silf to ech conscience of men bifor God.
6 For therfor ye yyuen tributis, thei ben the mynystris of God, and seruen for this same thing.
25 Thin iyen se riytful thingis; and thin iyeliddis go bifore thi steppis.
9 Nyle ye lie togidere; spuyle ye you fro the elde man with his dedes, and clothe ye the newe man,
28 A weiward man reisith stryues; and a man ful of wordis departith princis.
27 Nil thou forbede to do wel him that mai; if thou maist, and do thou wel.