9 And doynge good faile we not; for in his tyme we schal repe, not failinge.
15 Se ye, that no man yelde yuel for yuel to ony man; but euere more sue ye that that is good, ech to othere and to alle men.
15 And thei weren glad, and camen togidere ayens me; turmentis weren gaderid on me, and Y knew not.
6 that schal yelde to ech man aftir his werkis;
8 Fro hennus forth, britheren, what euere thingis ben sothe, what euere thingis chast, what euere thingis iust, what euere thingis hooli, what euere thingis able to be louyd, what euere thingis of good fame, if ony vertu, if ony preising of discipline, thenke ye these thingis,
21 God the fadir made hym synne for vs, which knewe not synne, that we schulden be maad riytwisnesse of God in hym.
7 Nyle ye erre, God is not scorned;
33 And if ye don wel to hem that don wel to you, what grace is to you? synful men don this thing.
16 Therfor knouleche ye ech to othere youre synnes, and preye ye ech for othere, that ye be sauyd. For the contynuel preyer of a iust man is myche worth.
11 For the grace of God, oure sauyour,
12 hath apperid to alle men, and tauyte vs, that we forsake wickidnesse, and worldli desyris, lyue sobreli, and iustli, and piteuousli in this world,
1 Blessid is the man, that yede not in the councel of wickid men; and stood not in the weie of synneris, and sat not in the chaier of pestilence.
2 Tresouris of wickidnesse schulen not profite; but riytfulnesse schal delyuere fro deth.
33 Therfor seke ye first the kyngdom of God, and his riytfulnesse, and alle these thingis shulen be cast to you.
18 And the fruyt of riytwisnesse is sowun in pees, to men that maken pees.
2 Ech weye of a man semeth riytful to hym silf; but the Lord peisith the hertis.
8 Neiye ye to God, and he schal neiye to you. Ye synneris, clense ye hondis, and ye double in soule, purge ye the hertis.
14 But also if ye suffren ony thing for riytwisnesse, ye ben blessid; but drede ye not the drede of hem, that ye be not disturblid.
25 Falling of man is to make auow to seyntis, and aftirward to withdrawe the vowis.
18 A wickid man makith vnstable werk; but feithful mede is to hym, that sowith riytfulnesse.
3 To do merci and doom plesith more the Lord, than sacrifices doen.
11 But, thou, man of God, fle these thingis; but sue thou riytwisnesse, pite, feith, charite, pacience, myldenesse.
21 He that sueth riytfulnesse and mercy, schal fynde lijf and glorie.
6 and biholdith meke thingis in heuene and in erthe?