29 And Petre answeride, and the apostlis, and seiden, It bihoueth to obeie to God, more than to men.
32 And we ben witnessis of these wordis, and the Hooli Goost, whom God yaf to alle obeischinge to him.
8 The book of this lawe departe not fro thi mouth, but thou schalt thenke therynne in daies and nyytis, that thou kepe and do alle thingis that ben writun therynne; thanne thou schalt dresse thi weie, and schalt vndirstonde it.
15 If ye louen me, kepe ye my comaundementis.
16 Ye han not chosun me, but Y chees you; and Y haue put you, that ye go, and brynge forth fruyt, and youre fruyt dwelle; that what euere thing ye axen the fadir in my name, he yyue to you.
1 Therfore, britheren, Y biseche you bi the mercy of God, that ye yyue youre bodies a lyuynge sacrifice, hooli, plesynge to God, and youre seruyse resonable.
21 Moost dere britheren, if oure herte repreueth not vs, we han trust to God;
22 and what euer we schulen axe, we schulen resseyue of hym, for we kepen hise comaundementis, and we don tho thingis that ben plesaunt bifor hym.
19 For as bi inobedience of o man manye ben maad synneris, so bi the obedience of oon manye schulen be iust.
3 And kepe thou the kepyngis and heestis of thi Lord God, that thou go in hise weies, and kepe hise cerymonyes, and hise heestis, and hise domes, and witnessyngis, as it is writun in the lawe of Moises; that thou vndurstonde alle thingis whiche thou doist, and whidur euer thou schalt turne thee.
23 Jhesus answerde, and seide to hym, If ony man loueth me, he schal kepe my word; and my fadir schal loue hym, and we schulen come to hym, and we schulen dwelle with hym.
58 Therfore, my dereworthe britheren, be ye stidefast, and vnmouable, beynge plenteuouse in werk of the Lord, euere more witynge that youre trauel is not idel in the Lord.
33 but ye schulen go bi the weie whiche youre Lord God comaundide, that ye lyue, and that it be wel to you, and that youre daies be lengthid in the lond of youre possessioun.
17 The weie of lijf is to him that kepith chastising; but he that forsakith blamyngis, errith.
14 as sones of obedience, not made lijk to the formere desiris of youre vnkunnyngnesse,
32 that Y come to you in ioye, bi the wille of God, and that Y be refreischid with you. And God of pees be with you alle. Amen.
20 And the lawe entride, that gilt schulde be plenteuouse; but where gilt was plenteuouse,
11 not slow in bisynesse, feruent in spirit, seruynge to the Lord,
14 For who euere ben led bi the spirit of God, these ben the sones of God.
19 Therfor he that brekith oon of these leeste maundementis, and techith thus men, schal be clepid the leste in the rewme of heuenes; but he that doith, and techith, schal be clepid greet in the kyngdom of heuenes.
7 Therfor be ye suget to God; but withstonde ye the deuel, and he schal fle fro you.
23 And he seide to alle, If ony wole come aftir me, denye he hym silf, and take he his cross euery dai, and sue he me.
22 And Samuel seide, Whether the Lord wole brent sacrifices, ethir slayn sacrifices, and not more that me obeie to the vois of the Lord? For obedience is betere than sacrifices, and to herkene Goddis word is more than to offre the ynnere fatnesse of rammes;
3 For this is the charite of God, that we kepe hise maundementis; and his maundementis ben not heuy.
22 But be ye doeris of the word, and not hereris oneli, disseiuynge you silf.
1 Euery soule be suget to heiyere powers. For ther is no power but of God, and tho thingis that ben of God, ben ordeyned.
29 Who schal yyue that thei haue siche soule, that thei drede me, and kepe alle my comaundementis in al tyme, that it be wel to hem and to the sones of hem, with outen ende?
2 And nyle ye be confourmyd to this world, but be ye reformed in newnesse of youre wit, that ye preue which is the wille of God, good, and wel plesynge, and parfit.
1 Forsothe if thou herist the vois of thi Lord God, that thou do and kepe alle hise comaundementis, whiche Y comaunde to thee to dai, thi Lord God schal make the hiyere than alle folkis that lyuen in erthe.
27 He answeride, and seide, Thou schalt loue thi Lord God of al thin herte, and of al thi soule, and of alle thi strengthis, and of al thi mynde; and thi neiybore as thi silf.
8 The book of this lawe departe not fro thi mouth, but thou schalt thenke therynne in daies and nyytis, that thou kepe and do alle thingis that ben writun therynne; thanne thou schalt dresse thi weie, and schalt vndirstonde it.
22 But be ye doeris of the word, and not hereris oneli, disseiuynge you silf.
20 Mi sone, kepe the comaundementis of thi fadir; and forsake not the lawe of thi modir.
1 Euery soule be suget to heiyere powers. For ther is no power but of God, and tho thingis that ben of God, ben ordeyned.
2 Therfor he that ayenstondith power, ayenstondith the ordynaunce of God; and thei that ayenstonden, geten to hem silf dampnacioun.
11 and ech tunge knouleche, that the Lord Jhesu Crist is in the glorie of God the fadir.
2 If ye wolen here, and if ye wolen not putte on the herte, that ye yyue glorie to my name, seith the Lord of oostis, Y schal sende nedynesse in to you, and Y schal curse to youre blessyngis; and Y schal curse hem, for ye han not putte on the herte.
27 But Y seie to you that heren, loue ye youre enemyes, do ye wel to hem that hatiden you;
28 blesse ye men that cursen you, preye ye for men that defamen you.
46 And what clepen ye me, Lord, Lord, and doon not tho thingis that Y seie.
8 And whanne he was Goddis sone, he lernyde obedience of these thingis that be suffride;
9 and he brouyt to the ende is maad cause of euerlastinge heelthe to alle that obeischen to hym, and is clepid of God a bischop,