A Palavra de Deus
51 Treuli, treuli, Y seie to you, if ony man kepe my word, he schal not taste deth with outen ende.
1 In the bigynnyng was the word, and the word was at God, and God was the word.
3 And he turmentide thee with nedynesse, and he yaf to thee meete, manna which thou knewist not, and thi fadris knewen not, that he schulde schewe to thee, that a man lyueth not in breed aloone, but in ech word that cometh out of the Lordis mouth, that is, bi manna, that cam down at the heest of the Lord.
3 And God seide, Liyt be maad, and liyt was maad.
18 But tho thingis that comen forth fro the mouth, goon out of the herte, and tho thingis defoulen a man.
19 For of the herte goon out yuele thouytis, mansleyngis, auowtries, fornycaciouns, theftis, fals witnessyngis, blasfemyes.
16 For al scripture inspirid of God is profitable to teche, to repreue, to chastice, to lerne in riytwisnes, that the man of God be parfit, lerud to al good werk.
8 The book of this lawe departe not fro thi mouth, but thou schalt thenke therynne in daies and nyytis, that thou kepe and do alle thingis that ben writun therynne; thanne thou schalt dresse thi weie, and schalt vndirstonde it.
1 A soft answere brekith ire; an hard word reisith woodnesse.
3 Now ye ben clene, for the word that Y haue spokun to you.
3 Which whanne also he is the briytnesse of glorie, and figure of his substaunce, and berith alle thingis bi word of his vertu, he makith purgacioun of synnes, and syttith on the riythalf of the maieste in heuenes;
12 and spedi in worching, and more able to perse than any tweyne eggid swerd, and stretchith forth to the departynge of the soule and of the spirit, and of the ioynturis and merewis, and demere of thouytis, and of intentis and hertis.
28 And he seide, But yhe blessid be thei, that heren the word of God, and kepen it.
22 But be ye doeris of the word, and not hereris oneli, disseiuynge you silf.
22 But be ye doeris of the word, and not hereris oneli, disseiuynge you silf.
23 For if ony man is an herere of the word, and not a doere, this schal be licned to a man that biholdith the cheer of his birthe in a mirour;
24 for he bihelde hym silf, and wente awei, and anoon he foryat which he was.
20 A mannus wombe schal be fillid of the fruit of his mouth; and the seedis of hise lippis schulen fille hym.
21 Deth and lijf ben in the werkis of tunge; thei that louen it, schulen ete the fruytis therof.
14 And the word was maad man, and dwellyde among vs, and we han seyn the glorie of hym, as the glorie of the oon bigetun sone of the fadir, ful of grace and of treuthe.
31 Heuene and erthe schulen passe, but my wordis schulen not passe.
16 For al scripture inspirid of God is profitable to teche, to repreue, to chastice, to lerne in riytwisnes, that the man of God be parfit, lerud to al good werk.
22 Therfor whanne he was risun fro deeth, hise disciplis hadden mynde, that he seide these thingis of his bodi; and thei bileueden to the scripture, and to the word that Jhesus seide.
4 Which answeride, and seide to hym, It is writun, Not oonli in breed luyeth man, but in ech word that cometh of Goddis mouth.
4 And Jhesus answeride to hym, It is writun, That a man lyueth not in breed aloone, but in euery word of God.
24 Therfor ech man that herith these my wordis, and doith hem, schal be maad lijk to a wise man, that hath bildid his hous on a stoon.
38 He that bileueth in me, as the scripture seith, Floodis of quyk watir schulen flowe fro his wombe.
17 Halewe thou hem in treuth; thi word is treuthe.
1 Therfor if ony coumfort is in Crist, if ony solace of charite, if ony felouschipe of spirit, if ony inwardnesse of merci doyng,
2 fille ye my ioye, that ye vndurstonde the same thing, and haue the same charite, of o wille, and feelen the same thing;
3 no thing bi strijf, nether by veyn glorie, but in mekenesse, demynge eche othere to be heiyer than hym silf;
4 not biholdinge ech bi hym silf what thingis ben his owne, but tho thingis that ben of othere men.
5 And fele ye this thing in you, which also in Crist Jhesu;
6 that whanne he was in the forme of God, demyde not raueyn, that hym silf were euene to God;
7 but he lowide hym silf, takinge the forme of a seruaunt, and was maad in to the licknesse of men, and in abite was foundun as a man.
8 He mekide hym silf, and was maad obedient to the deth, yhe, to the deth of the cross.
9 For which thing God enhaunside hym, and yaf to hym a name that is aboue al name;
10 that in the name of Jhesu ech kne be bowid, of heuenli thingis, of ertheli thingis, and of hellis;
11 and ech tunge knouleche, that the Lord Jhesu Crist is in the glorie of God the fadir.
12 Therfor, my most dereworthe britheren, as euere more ye han obeischid, not in my presence onely, but myche more now in myn absence, worche ye with drede and trembling youre heelthe.
13 For it is God that worchith in you, bothe to wilne, and to performe, for good wille.
14 And do ye alle thingis with out grutchingis and doutyngis;
15 that ye be with out playnt, and symple as the sones of God, with out repreef, in the myddil of a schrewid nacioun and a weiward; among whiche ye schynen as yyueris of liyt in the world.
16 And holde ye togidere the word of lijf to my glorie in the day of Crist; for Y haue not runnen in veyn, nether Y haue trauelid in veyn.
17 But thouy Y be offrid or slayn on the sacrifice and seruyce of youre feith, Y haue ioye, and Y thanke you alle.
18 And the same thing haue ye ioye, and thanke ye me.
19 And Y hope in the Lord Jhesu, that Y schal sende Tymothe soone to you, that Y be of good coumfort, whanne tho thingis ben knowun that ben aboute you.
20 For Y haue no man so of o wille, that is bisi for you with clene affeccioun.
21 For alle men seken tho thingis that ben her owne, not tho that ben of Crist Jhesu.
22 But knowe ye the asaie of hym, for as a sone to the fadir he hath seruyd with me in the gospel.
23 Therfor Y hope that Y schal sende hym to you, anoon as Y se what thingis ben aboute me.
24 And Y triste in the Lord, that also my silf schal come to you soone.
25 And Y gesside it nedeful to sende to you Epafrodite, my brother and euene worchere, and myn euene knyyt, but youre apostle, and the mynystre of my nede.
26 For he desiride you alle, and he was sorewful, therfor that ye herden that he was sijk.
27 For he was sijk to the deth, but God hadde merci on him; and not oneli on hym, but also on me, lest Y hadde heuynesse on heuynesse.
28 Therfor more hastili Y sente hym, that whanne ye han seyn hym, ye haue ioye eft, and Y be withouten heuynesse.
29 Therfor resseyue ye hym with al ioye in the Lord, and haue ye suche with al onour.
30 For the werk of Crist he wente to deth, yyuynge his lijf, that he schulde fulfille that that failide of you anentis my seruyce.
18 A man is that bihetith, and he is prickid as with the swerd of conscience; but the tunge of wise men is helthe.
1 In the bigynnyng was the word, and the word was at God, and God was the word.
2 For alle we offenden in many thingis. If ony man offendith not in word, this is a perfit man; for also he may lede aboute al the bodi with a bridil.
41 And many mo bileueden for his word,
2 as now borun yonge children, resonable, with out gile, coueite ye mylk, that in it ye wexe in to helthe; if netheles ye han tastid,
9 That if thou knoulechist in thi mouth the Lord Jhesu Crist, and bileuest in thin herte, that God reiside hym fro deth, thou schalt be saaf.
10 For bi herte me bileueth to riytwisnesse, but bi mouth knowleching is maad to helthe.
25 Morenynge in the herte of a iust man schal make hym meke; and he schal be maad glad bi a good word.
21 For which thing caste ye awei al vnclennesse, and plentee of malice, and in myldenesse resseyue ye the word that is plauntid, that may saue youre soulis.
36 And drede was maad in alle men, and thei spaken togider, and seiden, What is this word, for in power and vertu he comaundith to vnclene spiritis, and thei gon out?
22 But be ye doeris of the word, and not hereris oneli, disseiuynge you silf.
11 The veyne of lijf is the mouth of a iust man; but the mouth of wickid men hilith wickidnesse.
5 Ech word of God is a scheld set a fiere, to alle that hopen in hym.
31 Therfor Jhesus seide to the Jewis, that bileueden in hym, If ye dwellen in my word, verili ye schulen be my disciplis;
24 Treuli, treuli, Y seie to you, that he that herith my word, and bileueth to hym that sente me, hath euerlastynge lijf, and he cometh not in to doom, but passith fro deeth in to lijf.
36 And Y seie to you, that of euery idel word, that men speken, thei schulen yelde resoun therof in the dai of doom;
37 for of thi wordis thou schalt be iustified, and of thi wordis thou shalt be dampned.
23 Jhesus answerde, and seide to hym, If ony man loueth me, he schal kepe my word; and my fadir schal loue hym, and we schulen come to hym, and we schulen dwelle with hym.
3 For if we putten bridlis in to horsis mouthis, for to consente to vs, and we leden aboute al the bodi of hem.
4 And lo! schippis, whanne thei ben grete, and ben dryuun of stronge wyndis, yit thei ben borun about of a litil gouernaile, where the meuyng of the gouernour wole.
5 So also the tunge is but a litil membre, and reisith grete thingis. Lo! hou litil fier brenneth a ful greet wode.
6 And oure tunge is fier, the vniuersite of wickidnesse. The tunge is ordeyned in oure membris, which defoulith al the bodi; and it is enflawmed of helle, and enflawmeth the wheel of oure birthe.
7 And al the kynde of beestis, and of foulis, and of serpentis, and of othere is chastisid, and tho ben maad tame of mannus kinde; but no man mai chastise the tunge,
8 for it is an vnpesible yuel, and ful of deedli venym.
4 Magnyfie ye the Lord with me; and enhaunse we his name into it silf.
6 For the Lord yyueth wisdom; and prudence and kunnyng is of his mouth.
16 For al scripture inspirid of God is profitable to teche, to repreue, to chastice, to lerne in riytwisnes, that the man of God be parfit, lerud to al good werk.
4 Which answeride, and seide to hym, It is writun, Not oonli in breed luyeth man, but in ech word that cometh of Goddis mouth.
34 Ye generacioun of eddris, hou moun ye speke goode thingis, whanne ye ben yuele? For the mouth spekith of plente of the herte.
12 and spedi in worching, and more able to perse than any tweyne eggid swerd, and stretchith forth to the departynge of the soule and of the spirit, and of the ioynturis and merewis, and demere of thouytis, and of intentis and hertis.
14 And the word was maad man, and dwellyde among vs, and we han seyn the glorie of hym, as the glorie of the oon bigetun sone of the fadir, ful of grace and of treuthe.
4 Magnyfie ye the Lord with me; and enhaunse we his name into it silf.
3 Bi feith we vndurstonden that the worldis weren maad bi Goddis word, that visible thingis weren maad of vnuysible thingis.
16 Thi wordis ben foundun, and Y eet tho; and thi word was maad to me in to ioye, and in to gladnesse of myn herte; for thi name, Lord God of oostis, is clepid to help on me.
17 And take ye the helm of helthe, and the swerd of the Goost, that is, the word of God.
35 heuene and erthe schulen passe, but my wordis schulen not passe.
4 He sente fro heuene, and delyuerede me; he yaf in to schenschip hem that defoulen me. God sente his merci and his treuthe,
8 Verely the puple is hey; the hey is dried vp, and the flour felle doun; but the word of the Lord dwellith with outen ende.
6 For the Lord yyueth wisdom; and prudence and kunnyng is of his mouth.
6 Neiye ye to him, and be ye liytned; and youre faces schulen not be schent.
31 Therfor Jhesus seide to the Jewis, that bileueden in hym, If ye dwellen in my word, verili ye schulen be my disciplis;
32 and ye schulen knowe the treuthe, and the treuthe schal make you fre.
12 Thei yeldiden to me yuels for goodis; bareynnesse to my soule.
13 But whanne thei weren diseseful to me; Y was clothid in an heire. I mekide my soule in fastyng; and my preier schal be turned with ynne my bosum.
29 Whether my wordis ben not as fier brennynge, seith the Lord, and as an hamer al to-brekynge a stoon?