23 And God hym silf of pees make you hooli bi alle thingis, that youre spirit be kept hool, and soule, and bodi, without pleynt, in the comyng of oure Lord Jhesu Crist.
28 And now, ye litle sones, dwelle ye in hym, that whanne he schal appere, we haue a trist, and be not confoundid of hym in his comyng.
27 And thanne thei schulen se mannys sone comynge in a cloude, with greet power and maieste.
21 For thanne schal be greet tribulacioun, what maner was not fro the bigynnyng of the world to now, nether schal be maad.
22 And but tho daies hadden be abreggide, ech flesch schulde not be maad saaf; but tho daies schulen be maad schort, for the chosun men.
11 For the grace of God, oure sauyour,
12 hath apperid to alle men, and tauyte vs, that we forsake wickidnesse, and worldli desyris, lyue sobreli, and iustli, and piteuousli in this world,
13 abidinge the blessid hope and the comyng of the glorie of the greet God, and of oure sauyour Jhesu Crist;
14 that yaf hym silf for vs, to ayenbie vs fro al wickidnesse, and make clene to hym silf a puple acceptable, and suere of good werkis.
1 Be not youre herte afraied, ne drede it; ye bileuen in God, and bileue ye in me.
2 In the hous of my fadir ben many dwellyngis; if ony thing lesse, Y hadde seid to you, for Y go to make redi to you a place.
3 And if Y go, and make redi to you a place, eftsoones Y come, and Y schal take you to my silf, that where Y am, ye be.
44 And therfor be ye redi, for in what our ye gessen not, mannus sone schal come.
34 But take ye heede to you silf, lest perauenture youre hertis be greuyd with glotony, and drunkenesse, and bisynessis of this lijf, and thilke dai come sodein on you; for as a snare it schal come on alle men,
35 that sitten on the face of al erthe.
36 Therfor wake ye, preiynge in ech tyme, that ye be hadde worthi to fle alle these thingis that ben to come, and to stonde bifor mannus sone.
25 And tokenes schulen be in the sunne, and the mone, and in the sterris; and in the erthe ouerleiyng of folkis, for confusioun of sown of the see and of floodis;
26 for men schulen wexe drye for drede and abidyng that schulen come to al the world; for vertues of heuenes schulen be mouyd.
27 And thanne thei schulen se mannys sone comynge in a cloude, with greet power and maieste.
28 And whanne these thingis bigynnen to be maad, biholde ye, and reise ye youre heedis, for youre redempcioun neiyeth.
7 so that no thing faile to you in ony grace, that abiden the schewyng of oure Lord Jhesu Crist;
8 which also schal conferme you in to the ende with outen cryme, in the dai of the comyng of oure Lord Jhesu Crist.
14 And this gospel of the kyngdom schal be prechid in al the world, in witnessyng to al folc;
32 And lerne ye the parable of a fige tre. Whanne his braunche is now tendir, and the leeues ben sprongun, ye witen that somer is nyy;
33 so and ye whanne ye seen alle these thingis, wite ye that it is nyy, in the yatis.
12 Lo! Y come soone, and my mede with me, to yelde to ech man aftir hise werkis.
7 For the ende of alle thingis schal neiye. Therfor be ye prudent, and wake ye in preyeris;
20 He seith, that berith witnessyng of these thingis, Yhe, amen. I come soone. Amen. Come thou, Lord Jhesu.
29 And anoon after the tribulacioun of tho daies, the sunne schal be maad derk, and the moone schal not yyue hir liyt, and the sterris schulen falle fro heuene, and the vertues of heuenes schulen be moued.
30 And thanne the tokene of mannus sone schal appere in heuene, and thanne alle kynredis of the erthe schulen weile; and thei schulen see mannus sone comynge in the cloudis of heuene, with miche vertu and maieste.
31 And he schal sende hise aungels with a trumpe, and a greet vois; and thei schulen gedere hise chosun fro foure wyndis, fro the hiyest thingis of heuenes to the endis of hem.
27 For mannes sone schal come in glorie of his fader, with his aungels, and thanne he schal yelde to ech man after his werkis.
23 Thanne if ony man seie to you, Lo! here is Crist, or there, nyle ye bileue.
24 For false Cristis and false prophetis schulen rise, and thei schulen yyue grete tokenes and wondrys; so that also the chosun be led in to erroure, if it may be done.
25 Lo! Y haue bifor seid to you.
12 For a brother schal bitake the brother in to deth, and the fadir the sone, and sones schulen rise togider ayens fadris and modris, and punysche hem bi deeth.
13 And ye schulen be in hate to alle men for my name; but he that lastith in to the ende, schal be saaf.
9 But se ye you silf, for thei schulen take you in counsels, and ye schulen be betun in synagogis; and ye schulen stonde bifor kyngis and domesmen for me, in witnessyng to hem.
10 And it bihoueth, that the gospel be first prechid among al folk.
9 Thanne men schulen bitake you in to tribulacion, and schulen sle you, and ye schulen be in hate to alle folk for my name.
10 And thanne many schulen be sclaundrid, and bitraye ech other, and thei schulen hate ech other.
11 And many false prophetis schulen rise, and disseyue manye.
3 And whanne he satte on the hille of Olyuete, hise disciplis camen to hym priueli, and seiden, Seie vs, whanne these thingis schulen be, and what token of thi comyng, and of the ending of the world.
4 And Jhesus answeride, and seide to hem, Loke ye, that no man disseyue you.
5 For many schulen come in my name, and schulen seie, Y am Crist; and thei schulen disseyue manye.
6 For ye schulen here batels, and opyniouns of batels; se ye that ye be not disturblid; for it byhoueth these thingis to be don, but not yit is the ende.
23 Thanne if ony man seie to you, Lo! here is Crist, or there, nyle ye bileue.
24 For false Cristis and false prophetis schulen rise, and thei schulen yyue grete tokenes and wondrys; so that also the chosun be led in to erroure, if it may be done.
25 Lo! Y haue bifor seid to you.
26 Therfor if thei seie to you, Lo! he is in desert, nyle ye go out; lo! in priuey placis, nyle ye trowe.
11 grete mouyngis of erthe schulen be bi placis, and pestilencis, and hungris, and dredis fro heuene, and grete tokenes schulen be.
30 And nyle ye make the Hooli Goost of God sori, in which ye ben markid in the dai of redempcioun.
15 Be ye war of fals prophetis, that comen to you in clothingis of scheep, but withynneforth thei ben as wolues of raueyn;
20 He seith, that berith witnessyng of these thingis, Yhe, amen. I come soone. Amen. Come thou, Lord Jhesu.
6 tristenynge this ilke thing, that he that bigan in you a good werk, schal perfourme it til in to the dai of Jhesu Crist.
26 And thanne thei schulen se mannus sone comynge in cloudis of heuene, with greet vertu and glorie.
27 And thanne he schal sende hise aungelis, and schal geder hise chosun fro the foure wyndis, fro the hiyest thing of erthe til to the hiyest thing of heuene.
28 onys to die, but aftir this is the dom, so Crist was offrid onys, to auoyde the synnes of many men; the secounde tyme he schal appere with outen synne to men that abiden him in to heelthe.
8 Yhe, Amen! Y am alpha and oo, the bigynnyng and the ende, seith the Lord God, that is, and that was, and that is to comynge, almyyti.
12 And for wickidnesse schal be plenteuouse, the charite of manye schal wexe coold;
13 but he that schal dwelle stable in to the ende, schal be saaf.
24 And biholde we togidere in the stiring of charite and of good werkis; not forsakinge oure gadering togidere,
25 as it is of custom to sum men, but coumfortinge, and bi so myche the more, bi hou myche ye seen the dai neiyynge.
10 And whanne thei biheelden hym goynge in to heuene, lo! twei men stoden bisidis hem in white clothing, and seiden,
11 Men of Galile, what stonden ye biholdinge in to heuene? This Jhesu, which is takun vp fro you in to heuene, schal come, as ye seyn hym goynge in to heuene.
11 Lo! Y come soone; holde thou that that thou hast, that no man take thi coroun.
42 Therfor wake ye, for ye witen not in what our the Lord schal come.
8 But, ye moost dere, this o thing be not hid to you, that o dai anentis God is as a thousynde yeeris, and a thousynde yeeris ben as o dai.
16 Afterward we that lyuen, that ben left, schulen be rauyschid togidere with hem in cloudis, metinge Crist in to the eir; and so euere more we schulen be with the Lord.
17 Therfor be ye coumfortid togidere in these wordis.
11 Men of Galile, what stonden ye biholdinge in to heuene? This Jhesu, which is takun vp fro you in to heuene, schal come, as ye seyn hym goynge in to heuene.
42 Therfor wake ye, for ye witen not in what our the Lord schal come.
8 For folk schal rise on folk, and rewme on rewme, and erthe mouyngis and hungur schulen be bi placis; these thingis schulen be bigynnyngis of sorewis.