7 And we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us;
8 on every side being in tribulation, but not straitened; perplexed, but not in despair;
9 persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed;
10 at all times the dying of the Lord Jesus bearing about in the body, that the life also of Jesus in our body may be manifested,
11 for always are we who are living delivered up to death because of Jesus, that the life also of Jesus may be manifested in our dying flesh,
15 for ye did not receive a spirit of bondage again for fear, but ye did receive a spirit of adoption in which we cry, Abba -- Father.
17 so that if any one [is] in Christ -- [he is] a new creature; the old things did pass away, lo, become new have the all things.
28 And be not afraid of those killing the body, and are not able to kill the soul, but fear rather Him who is able both soul and body to destroy in gehenna.
2 and God speaketh to Israel in visions of the night, and saith, Jacob, Jacob; and he saith, Here [am] I.
13 For all things I have strength, in Christs strengthening me;
22 Cast on Jehovah that which He hath given thee, And He doth sustain thee, He doth not suffer for ever the moving of the righteous.
12 for if the willing mind is present, according to that which any one may have it is well-accepted, not according to that which he hath not;
7 all your care having cast upon Him, because He careth for you.
16 wherefore, we faint not, but if also our outward man doth decay, yet the inward is renewed day by day;
7 for God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind;
33 these things I have spoken to you, that in me ye may have peace, in the world ye shall have tribulation, but take courage -- I have overcome the world.
9 And Jehovah is a tower for the bruised, A tower for times of adversity.
10 They trust in Thee who do know Thy name, For Thou hast not forsaken Those seeking Thee, O Jehovah.
8 And I hear the voice of the Lord, saying: Whom do I send? and who doth go for Us? And I say, Here [am] I, send me.
24 and may we consider one another to provoke to love and to good works,
25 not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as a custom of certain [is], but exhorting, and so much the more as ye see the day coming nigh.
6 in which ye are glad, a little now, if it be necessary, being made to sorrow in manifold trials,
1 To the Overseer. -- By sons of Korah. For the Virgins. -- A song. God [is] to us a refuge and strength, A help in adversities found most surely.
2 Therefore we fear not in the changing of earth, And in the slipping of mountains Into the heart of the seas.
3 Roar -- troubled are its waters, Mountains they shake in its pride. Selah.
20 And David saith to Solomon his son, Be strong, and courageous, and do; do not fear nor be affrighted, for Jehovah God, my God, [is] with thee; He doth not fail thee, nor forsake thee, unto the completion of all the work of the service of the house of Jehovah.
8 I cause thee to act wisely, And direct thee in the way that thou goest, I cause mine eye to take counsel concerning thee.
3 The day I am afraid I am confident toward Thee.
4 In God I praise His word, in God I have trusted, I fear not what flesh doth to me.
13 Watch ye, stand in the faith; be men, be strong;
17 for the momentary light matter of our tribulation, more and more exceedingly an age-during weight of glory doth work out for us --
28 Come unto me, all ye labouring and burdened ones, and I will give you rest,
17 And let the pleasantness of Jehovah our God be upon us, And the work of our hands establish on us, Yea, the work of our hands establish it!
27 Peace I leave to you; my peace I give to you, not according as the world doth give do I give to you; let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid;
17 and Jesus said to them, Come ye after me, and I shall make you to become fishers of men;
18 and immediately, having left their nets, they followed him.
11 wherefore, comfort ye one another, and build ye up, one the one, as also ye do.
23 In all labour there is advantage, And a thing of the lips [is] only to want.
5 Without covetousness the behaviour, being content with the things present, for He hath said, No, I will not leave, no, nor forsake thee,
6 so that we do boldly say, The Lord [is] to me a helper, and I will not fear what man shall do to me.
1 I have been inquired of by those who asked not, I have been found by those who sought Me not, I have said, Behold Me, behold Me, Unto a nation not calling in My name.
11 having known, therefore, the fear of the Lord, we persuade men, and to God we are manifested, and I hope also in your consciences to have been manifested;
12 for not again ourselves do we recommend to you, but we are giving occasion to you of glorifying in our behalf, that ye may have [something] in reference to those glorifying in face and not in heart;
13 for whether we were beside ourselves, [it was] to God; whether we be of sound mind -- [it is] to you,
14 for the love of the Christ doth constrain us, having judged thus: that if one for all died, then the whole died,
15 and for all he died, that those living, no more to themselves may live, but to him who died for them, and was raised again.
16 So that we henceforth have known no one according to the flesh, and even if we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know him no more;
17 so that if any one [is] in Christ -- [he is] a new creature; the old things did pass away, lo, become new have the all things.
18 And the all things [are] of God, who reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and did give to us the ministration of the reconciliation,
19 how that God was in Christ -- a world reconciling to Himself, not reckoning to them their trespasses; and having put in us the word of the reconciliation,
20 in behalf of Christ, then, we are ambassadors, as if God were calling through us, we beseech, in behalf of Christ, Be ye reconciled to God;
21 for him who did not know sin, in our behalf He did make sin, that we may become the righteousness of God in him.
13 and who [is] he who will be doing you evil, if of Him who is good ye may become imitators?
14 but if ye also should suffer because of righteousness, happy [are ye]! and of their fear be not afraid, nor be troubled,
1 By David. Jehovah [is] my light and my salvation, Whom do I fear? Jehovah [is] the strength of my life, Of whom am I afraid?
4 And desolate cities they cause to be inhabited. Fear not, for thou art not ashamed, Nor blush, for thou art not confounded, For the shame of thy youth thou forgettest, And the reproach of thy widowhood Thou dost not remember any more.
17 Jehovah thy God [is] in thy midst, A mighty one doth save, He rejoiceth over thee with joy, He doth work in His love, He joyeth over thee with singing.
38 And Mary said, Lo, the maid-servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to thy saying, and the messenger went away from her.
6 having been confident of this very thing, that He who did begin in you a good work, will perform [it] till a day of Jesus Christ,
27 Peace I leave to you; my peace I give to you, not according as the world doth give do I give to you; let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid;
8 and Jehovah [is] He who is going before thee, He himself is with thee; He doth not fail thee nor forsake thee; fear not, nor be affrighted.
4 Since thou wast precious in Mine eyes, Thou wast honoured, and I have loved thee, And I appoint men in thy stead, And peoples instead of thy life.
4 Also -- when I walk in a valley of death-shade, I fear no evil, for Thou [art] with me, Thy rod and Thy staff -- they comfort me.
4 Also -- when I walk in a valley of death-shade, I fear no evil, for Thou [art] with me, Thy rod and Thy staff -- they comfort me.
24 Be strong, and He strengtheneth your heart, All ye who are waiting for Jehovah!
11 and the messenger of God saith unto me in the dream, Jacob, and I say, Here [am] I.
10 Be not afraid, for with thee I [am], Look not around, for I [am] thy God, I have strengthened thee, Yea, I have helped thee, yea, I upheld thee, With the right hand of My righteousness.
2 When thou passest into waters, I [am] with thee, And into floods, they do not overflow thee, When thou goest into fire, thou art not burnt, And a flame doth not burn against thee.
9 Have not I commanded thee? be strong and courageous; be not terrified nor affrighted, for with thee [is] Jehovah thy God in every [place] whither thou goest.
6 Are not five sparrows sold for two assars? and one of them is not forgotten before God,
7 but even the hairs of your head have been all numbered; therefore fear ye not, than many sparrows ye are of more value.
11 For I have known the thoughts that I am thinking towards you -- an affirmation of Jehovah; thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give to you posterity and hope.
18 fear is not in the love, but the perfect love doth cast out the fear, because the fear hath punishment, and he who is fearing hath not been made perfect in the love;
3 Blessed [is] God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of the mercies, and God of all comfort,
4 who is comforting us in all our tribulation, for our being able to comfort those in any tribulation through the comfort with which we are comforted ourselves by God;
6 be strong and courageous, fear not, nor be terrified because of them, for Jehovah thy God [is] He who is going with thee; He doth not fail thee nor forsake thee.
5 And may the God of the endurance, and of the exhortation, give to you to have the same mind toward one another, according to Christ Jesus;
16 And the people answer and say, Far be it from us to forsake Jehovah, to serve other gods;
17 for Jehovah our God [is] He who is bringing us and our fathers up out of the land of Egypt, out of a house of servants, and who hath done before our eyes these great signs, and doth keep us in all the way in which we have gone, and among all the peoples through whose midst we passed;
11 for I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift, that ye may be established;
12 and that is, that I may be comforted together among you, through the faith in one another, both yours and mine.
5 Be not afraid, for I [am] with thee, From the east I bring in thy seed, And from the west I gather thee.
11 wherefore, comfort ye one another, and build ye up, one the one, as also ye do.
33 these things I have spoken to you, that in me ye may have peace, in the world ye shall have tribulation, but take courage -- I have overcome the world.
2 for let each one of us please the neighbor for good, unto edification,
58 so that, my brethren beloved, become ye stedfast, unmovable, abounding in the work of the Lord at all times, knowing that your labour is not vain in the Lord.
14 Look unto Jehovah -- be strong, And He doth strengthen thy heart, Yea, look unto Jehovah!
31 But those expecting Jehovah pass [to] power, They raise up the pinion as eagles, They run and are not fatigued, They go on and do not faint!
8 I did place Jehovah before me continually, Because -- at my right hand I am not moved.
11 And the messenger of Jehovah calleth unto him from the heavens, and saith, Abraham, Abraham; and he saith, Here [am] I;
1 A Song of the Ascents. I lift up mine eyes unto the hills, Whence doth my help come?
2 My help [is] from Jehovah, maker of heaven and earth,
10 And there was a certain disciple in Damascus, by name Ananias, and the Lord said unto him in a vision, Ananias; and he said, Behold me, Lord;
13 Watch ye, stand in the faith; be men, be strong;
16 And Eli calleth Samuel, and saith, Samuel, my son; and he saith, Here [am] I.
9 Have not I commanded thee? be strong and courageous; be not terrified nor affrighted, for with thee [is] Jehovah thy God in every [place] whither thou goest.
31 What, then, shall we say unto these things? if God [is] for us, who [is] against us?
4 and Jehovah seeth that he hath turned aside to see, and God calleth unto him out of the midst of the bush, and saith, Moses, Moses; and he saith, Here [am] I.