18 Near [is] Jehovah to all those calling Him, To all who call Him in truth.
19 The desire of those fearing Him He doth, And their cry He heareth, and saveth them.
11 in the diligence not slothful; in the spirit fervent; the Lord serving;
12 in the hope rejoicing; in the tribulation enduring; in the prayer persevering;
9 if we may confess our sins, stedfast He is and righteous that He may forgive us the sins, and may cleanse us from every unrighteousness;
7 all things it beareth, all it believeth, all it hopeth, all it endureth.
37 because nothing shall be impossible with God.
1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth did pass away, and the sea is not any more;
2 and I, John, saw the holy city -- new Jerusalem -- coming down from God out of the heaven, made ready as a bride adorned for her husband;
3 and I heard a great voice out of the heaven, saying, Lo, the tabernacle of God [is] with men, and He will tabernacle with them, and they shall be His peoples, and God Himself shall be with them -- their God,
4 and God shall wipe away every tear from their eyes, and the death shall not be any more, nor sorrow, nor crying, nor shall there be any more pain, because the first things did go away.
16 every Writing [is] God-breathed, and profitable for teaching, for conviction, for setting aright, for instruction that [is] in righteousness,
17 that the man of God may be fitted -- for every good work having been completed.
19 For the people in Zion dwell in Jerusalem, Weep thou not, weeping, Pitying, He pitieth thee at the voice of thy cry, When He heareth He answereth thee.
12 for the reckoning of God is living, and working, and sharp above every two-edged sword, and piercing unto the dividing asunder both of soul and spirit, of joints also and marrow, and a discerner of thoughts and intents of the heart;
12 Happy the man who doth endure temptation, because, becoming approved, he shall receive the crown of the life, which the Lord did promise to those loving Him.
16 and may our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and our God and Father, who did love us, and did give comfort age-during, and good hope in grace,
17 comfort your hearts, and establish you in every good word and work.
26 And Jesus having earnestly beheld, said to them, With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.
66 From this [time] many of his disciples went away backward, and were no more walking with him,
67 Jesus, therefore, said to the twelve, Do ye also wish to go away?
68 Simon Peter, therefore, answered him, Sir, unto whom shall we go? thou hast sayings of life age-during;
69 and we have believed, and we have known, that thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.
17 so then the faith [is] by a report, and the report through a saying of God,
19 not avenging yourselves, beloved, but give place to the wrath, for it hath been written, Vengeance [is] Mine,
28 Come unto me, all ye labouring and burdened ones, and I will give you rest,
29 take up my yoke upon you, and learn from me, because I am meek and humble in heart, and ye shall find rest to your souls,
30 for my yoke [is] easy, and my burden is light.
1 And now, thus said Jehovah, Thy Creator, O Jacob, and thy Fashioner, O Israel, Be not afraid, for I have redeemed thee, I have called on thy name -- thou [art] Mine.
2 When thou passest into waters, I [am] with thee, And into floods, they do not overflow thee, When thou goest into fire, thou art not burnt, And a flame doth not burn against thee.
3 For I -- Jehovah thy God, The Holy One of Israel, thy Saviour, I have appointed Egypt thine atonement, Cush and Seba in thy stead.
17 so that if any one [is] in Christ -- [he is] a new creature; the old things did pass away, lo, become new have the all things.
9 And Jehovah is a tower for the bruised, A tower for times of adversity.
10 They trust in Thee who do know Thy name, For Thou hast not forsaken Those seeking Thee, O Jehovah.
22 Cast on Jehovah that which He hath given thee, And He doth sustain thee, He doth not suffer for ever the moving of the righteous.
105 [Nun.] A lamp to my foot [is] Thy word, And a light to my path.
7 and ye, be ye strong, and let not your hands be feeble, for there is a reward for your work.
13 The pattern hold thou of sound words, which from me thou didst hear, in faith and love that [is] in Christ Jesus;
14 the good thing committed guard thou through the Holy Spirit that is dwelling in us;
35 Ye may not cast away, then, your boldness, which hath great recompense of reward,
11 Lo, I come quickly, be holding fast that which thou hast, that no one may receive thy crown.
33 these things I have spoken to you, that in me ye may have peace, in the world ye shall have tribulation, but take courage -- I have overcome the world.
16 wherefore, we faint not, but if also our outward man doth decay, yet the inward is renewed day by day;
17 for the momentary light matter of our tribulation, more and more exceedingly an age-during weight of glory doth work out for us --
18 we not looking to the things seen, but to the things not seen; for the things seen [are] temporary, but the things not seen [are] age-during.
28 Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard? The God of the age -- Jehovah, Preparer of the ends of the earth, Is not wearied nor fatigued, There is no searching of His understanding.
29 He is giving power to the weary, And to those not strong He increaseth might.
30 Even youths are wearied and fatigued, And young men utterly stumble,
31 But those expecting Jehovah pass [to] power, They raise up the pinion as eagles, They run and are not fatigued, They go on and do not faint!
14 And this is the boldness that we have toward Him, that if anything we may ask according to his will, He doth hear us,
15 and if we have known that He doth hear us, whatever we may ask, we have known that we have the requests that we have requested from Him.
12 in the hope rejoicing; in the tribulation enduring; in the prayer persevering;
7 Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you;
8 for every one who is asking doth receive, and he who is seeking doth find, and to him who is knocking it shall be opened.
1 To the Overseer. -- By sons of Korah. For the Virgins. -- A song. God [is] to us a refuge and strength, A help in adversities found most surely.
5 Those sowing in tears, with singing do reap,
6 Whoso goeth on and weepeth, Bearing the basket of seed, Surely cometh in with singing, bearing his sheaves!
6 having been confident of this very thing, that He who did begin in you a good work, will perform [it] till a day of Jesus Christ,
18 I will not leave you bereaved, I come unto you;
12 I have known both to be abased, and I have known to abound; in everything and in all things I have been initiated, both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to be in want.
13 For all things I have strength, in Christs strengthening me;
24 Be strong, and He strengtheneth your heart, All ye who are waiting for Jehovah!
9 and in the doing good we may not be faint-hearted, for at the proper time we shall reap -- not desponding;
6 and apart from faith it is impossible to please well, for it behoveth him who is coming to God to believe that He is, and to those seeking Him He becometh a rewarder.
28 And we have known that to those loving God all things do work together for good, to those who are called according to purpose;
12 Here is endurance of the saints: here [are] those keeping the commands of God, and the faith of Jesus.
7 Good [is] Jehovah for a strong place in a day of distress. And He knoweth those trusting in Him.
23 may we hold fast the unwavering profession of the hope, (for faithful [is] He who did promise),
24 and may we consider one another to provoke to love and to good works,
25 not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as a custom of certain [is], but exhorting, and so much the more as ye see the day coming nigh.