Bom Dia

3 Jehovah, [at] morning Thou hearest my voice, [At] morning I set in array for Thee, And I look out.

8 Awake, mine honour, awake, psaltery and harp, I awake the morning dawn.

1 A Psalm. -- A Song for the sabbath-day. Good to give thanks to Jehovah, And to sing praises to Thy name, O Most High,

2 To declare in the morning Thy kindness, And Thy faithfulness in the nights.

22 The kindnesses of Jehovah! For we have not been consumed, For not ended have His mercies.

23 New every morning, abundant [is] thy faithfulness.

24 My portion [is] Jehovah, hath my soul said, Therefore I hope for Him.

1 Sing to Jehovah a new song, Sing to Jehovah all the earth.

2 Sing to Jehovah, bless His name, Proclaim from day to day His salvation.

3 Declare among nations His honour, Among all the peoples His wonders.

15 I -- in righteousness, I see Thy face; I am satisfied, in awaking, [with] Thy form!

6 In the morning sow thy seed, And at even withdraw not thy hand, For thou knowest not which is right, this or that, Or whether both of them alike [are] good.

16 And I -- I sing [of] Thy strength, And I sing at morn [of] Thy kindness, For thou hast been a tower to me, And a refuge for me in a day of adversity.

1 Praise by David. I exalt Thee, my God, O king, And bless Thy name to the age and for ever.

2 Every day do I bless Thee, And praise Thy name to the age and for ever.

13 And I, unto Thee, O Jehovah, I have cried, And in the morning doth my prayer come before Thee.

24 This [is] the day Jehovah hath made, We rejoice and are glad in it.

10 who did die for us, that whether we wake -- whether we sleep -- together with him we may live;

97 [Mem.] O how I have loved Thy law! All the day it [is] my meditation.

8 By day Jehovah commandeth His kindness, And by night a song [is] with me, A prayer to the God of my life.

8 And the inhabitants of the uttermost parts From Thy signs are afraid, The outgoings of morning and evening Thou causest to sing.

15 Yea, she riseth while yet night, And giveth food to her household, And a portion to her damsels.

22 The kindnesses of Jehovah! For we have not been consumed, For not ended have His mercies.

23 New every morning, abundant [is] thy faithfulness.

24 Jehovah bless thee and keep thee;

25 Jehovah cause His face to shine upon thee, and favour thee;

26 Jehovah lift up His countenance upon thee, and appoint for thee -- peace.

13 Love not sleep, lest thou become poor, Open thine eyes -- be satisfied [with] bread.

14 Satisfy us at morn [with] Thy kindness, And we sing and rejoice all our days.

8 Cause me to hear in the morning Thy kindness, For in Thee I have trusted, Cause me to know the way that I go, For unto Thee I have lifted up my soul.

16 And I -- I sing [of] Thy strength, And I sing at morn [of] Thy kindness, For thou hast been a tower to me, And a refuge for me in a day of adversity.

17 O my Strength, unto Thee I sing praise, For God [is] my tower, the God of my kindness!

2 O Jehovah, favour us, for thee we have waited, Be their arm, in the mornings, Yea, our salvation in time of adversity.

4 The Lord Jehovah hath given to me The tongue of taught ones, To know to aid the weary [by] a word, He waketh morning by morning, He waketh for me an ear to hear as taught ones.

4 Sing praise to Jehovah, ye His saints, And give thanks at the remembrance of His holiness,

5 For -- a moment [is] in His anger, Life [is] in His good-will, At even remaineth weeping, and at morn singing.

4 And God seeth the light that [it is] good, and God separateth between the light and the darkness,

5 and God calleth to the light Day, and to the darkness He hath called Night; and there is an evening, and there is a morning -- day one.

19 And we have more firm the prophetic word, to which we do well giving heed, as to a lamp shining in a dark place, till day may dawn, and a morning star may arise -- in your hearts;

5 For -- a moment [is] in His anger, Life [is] in His good-will, At even remaineth weeping, and at morn singing.

Versículos sobre Bom Dia - Bíblia Online - YLT