1 Let not your heart be troubled, believe in God, also in me believe;
1 A Song of the Ascents. Those trusting in Jehovah [are] as Mount Zion, It is not moved -- to the age it abideth.
2 Jerusalem! mountains [are] round about her, And Jehovah [is] round about His people, From henceforth even unto the age.
7 Blessed [is] the man who trusteth in Jehovah, And whose confidence hath been Jehovah.
8 And hath been as a tree planted by waters, And by a rivulet he sendeth forth his roots, And he doth not see when heat cometh, And his leaf hath been green, And in a year of dearth he is not sorrowful, Nor doth he cease from making fruit.
10 They trust in Thee who do know Thy name, For Thou hast not forsaken Those seeking Thee, O Jehovah.
4 O the happiness of the man Who hath made Jehovah his trust, And hath not turned unto the proud, And those turning aside to lies.
5 Trust unto Jehovah with all thy heart, And unto thine own understanding lean not.
6 In all thy ways know thou Him, And He doth make straight thy paths.
1 He who is dwelling In the secret place of the Most High, In the shade of the Mighty lodgeth habitually,
2 He is saying of Jehovah, My refuge, and my bulwark, my God, I trust in Him,
3 For He delivereth thee from the snare of a fowler, From a calamitous pestilence.
4 With His pinion He covereth thee over, And under His wings thou dost trust, A shield and buckler [is] His truth.
4 Trust ye in Jehovah for ever, For in Jah Jehovah [is] a rock of ages,
7 Some of chariots, and some of horses, And we of the name of Jehovah our God Make mention.
8 They -- they have bowed and have fallen, And we have risen and station ourselves upright.
14 And I on Thee -- I have trusted, O Jehovah, I have said, Thou [art] my God.
3 Trust in Jehovah, and do good, Dwell [in] the land, and enjoy faithfulness,
4 And delight thyself on Jehovah, And He giveth to thee the petitions of thy heart.
5 Roll on Jehovah thy way, And trust upon Him, and He worketh,
6 And hath brought out as light thy righteousness, And thy judgment as noon-day.
7 Of an evil report he is not afraid, Prepared is His heart, confident in Jehovah.
12 Jehovah of Hosts! O the happiness of a man trusting in Thee.
8 Better to take refuge in Jehovah than to trust in man,
9 Better to take refuge in Jehovah, Than to trust in princes.
2 Lo, God [is] my salvation, I trust, and fear not, For my strength and song [is] Jah Jehovah, And He is to me for salvation.
5 And I, in Thy kindness I have trusted, Rejoice doth my heart in Thy salvation.
10 In God I praise the word, In Jehovah I praise the word.
11 In God I trusted, I fear not what man doth to me,