Educação das Crianças

18 Chastise thy son, for there is hope, And to put him to death lift not up thy soul.

6 and these words which I am commanding thee to-day have been on thine heart,

7 and thou hast repeated them to thy sons, and spoken of them in thy sitting in thine house, and in thy walking in the way, and in thy lying down, and in thy rising up,

26 Her mouth she hath opened in wisdom, And the law of kindness [is] on her tongue.

10 The day when thou hast stood before Jehovah thy God in Horeb -- in Jehovahs saying unto me, Assemble to Me the people, and I cause them to hear My words, so that they learn to fear Me all the days that they are alive on the ground, and their sons they teach; --

1 An Instruction of Asaph. Give ear, O my people, to my law, Incline your ear to sayings of my mouth.

2 I open with a simile my mouth, I bring forth hidden things of old,

3 That we have heard and do know, And our fathers have recounted to us.

4 We do not hide from their sons, To a later generation recounting praises of Jehovah, And His strength, and His wonders that He hath done.

24 Whoso is sparing his rod is hating his son, And whoso is loving him hath hastened him chastisement.

15 Folly is bound up in the heart of a youth, The rod of chastisement putteth it far from him.

15 A rod and reproof give wisdom, And a youth let away is shaming his mother.

8 Hear, my son, the instruction of thy father, And leave not the law of thy mother,

9 For a graceful wreath [are] they to thy head, And chains to thy neck.

5 and thou hast loved Jehovah thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might,

6 and these words which I am commanding thee to-day have been on thine heart,

7 and thou hast repeated them to thy sons, and spoken of them in thy sitting in thine house, and in thy walking in the way, and in thy lying down, and in thy rising up,

3 Lo, an inheritance of Jehovah [are] sons, A reward [is] the fruit of the womb.

12 Honour thy father and thy mother, so that thy days are prolonged on the ground which Jehovah thy God is giving to thee.

3 That we have heard and do know, And our fathers have recounted to us.

4 We do not hide from their sons, To a later generation recounting praises of Jehovah, And His strength, and His wonders that He hath done.

6 Give instruction to a youth about his way, Even when he is old he turneth not from it.

8 Taste ye and see that Jehovah [is] good, O the happiness of the man who trusteth in Him.

9 Fear Jehovah, ye His holy ones, For there is no lack to those fearing Him.

10 Young lions have lacked and been hungry, And those seeking Jehovah lack not any good,

11 Come ye, children, hearken to me, The fear of Jehovah I do teach you.

14 But Jesus said, Suffer the children, and forbid them not, to come unto me, for of such is the reign of the heavens;

15 and because from a babe the Holy Writings thou hast known, which are able to make thee wise -- to salvation, through faith that [is] in Christ Jesus;

17 Chastise thy son, and he giveth thee comfort, Yea, he giveth delights to thy soul.

14 And thou -- be remaining in the things which thou didst learn and wast entrusted with, having known from whom thou didst learn,

15 and because from a babe the Holy Writings thou hast known, which are able to make thee wise -- to salvation, through faith that [is] in Christ Jesus;

1 Hear, ye sons, the instruction of a father, And give attention to know understanding.

4 And the fathers! provoke not your children, but nourish them in the instruction and admonition of the Lord.

18 And ye have placed these my words on your heart, and on your soul, and have bound them for a sign on your hand, and they have been for frontlets between your eyes;

19 and ye have taught them to your sons, by speaking of them in thy sitting in thy house, and in thy going in the way, and in thy lying down, and in thy rising up,

20 and hast written them on the side-posts of thy house, and on thy gates,

21 so that your days are multiplied, and the days of your sons, on the ground which Jehovah hath sworn to your fathers to give to them, as the days of the heavens on the earth.

7 if chastening ye endure, as to sons God beareth Himself to you, for who is a son whom a father doth not chasten?

20 the children! obey the parents in all things, for this is well-pleasing to the Lord;

21 the fathers! vex not your children, lest they be discouraged.

3 For I pour waters on a thirsty one, And floods on a dry land, I pour My Spirit on thy seed, And My blessing on thine offspring.

7 and thou hast repeated them to thy sons, and spoken of them in thy sitting in thine house, and in thy walking in the way, and in thy lying down, and in thy rising up,

11 Come ye, children, hearken to me, The fear of Jehovah I do teach you.

4 We do not hide from their sons, To a later generation recounting praises of Jehovah, And His strength, and His wonders that He hath done.

5 And He raiseth up a testimony in Jacob, And a law hath placed in Israel, That He commanded our fathers, To make them known to their sons.

6 So that a later generation doth know, Sons who are born, do rise and recount to their sons,

7 And place in God their confidence, And forget not the doings of God, But keep His commands.

13 Withhold not from a youth chastisement, When thou smitest him with a rod he dieth not.

14 Thou with a rod smitest him, And his soul from Sheol thou deliverest.

19 The living, the living, he doth confess Thee.

13 And all thy sons are taught of Jehovah, And abundant [is] the peace of thy sons.

Versículos sobre Educação das Crianças - Bíblia Online - YLT