Guardar o Coração

1 If, then, ye were raised with the Christ, the things above seek ye, where the Christ is, on the right hand of God seated,

23 Above every charge keep thy heart, For out of it [are] the outgoings of life.

26 Give, my son, thy heart to me, And let thine eyes watch my ways.

5 and thou hast loved Jehovah thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might,

6 and these words which I am commanding thee to-day have been on thine heart,

8 draw nigh to God, and He will draw nigh to you; cleanse hands, ye sinners! and purify hearts, ye two-souled!

1 My son! my law forget not, And my commands let thy heart keep,

2 For length of days and years, Life and peace they do add to thee.

6 for nothing be anxious, but in everything by prayer, and by supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God;

7 and the peace of God, that is surpassing all understanding, shall guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus.

7 Prepared is my heart, O God, Prepared is my heart, I sing and praise.

2 and be not conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, for your proving what [is] the will of God -- the good, and acceptable, and perfect.

2 Try me, O Jehovah, and prove me, Purified [are] my reins and my heart.

3 For Thy kindness [is] before mine eyes, And I have walked habitually in Thy truth.

8 Happy the clean in heart -- because they shall see God.

8 the book of this law doth not depart out of thy mouth, and thou hast meditated in it by day and by night, so that thou dost observe to do according to all that is written in it, for then thou dost cause thy way to prosper, and then thou dost act wisely.

8 be patient, ye also; establish your hearts, because the presence of the Lord hath drawn nigh;

10 With all my heart I have sought Thee, Let me not err from Thy commands.

11 In my heart I have hid Thy saying, That I sin not before Thee.

45 The good man out of the good treasure of his heart doth bring forth that which [is] good; and the evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart doth bring forth that which [is] evil; for out of the abounding of the heart doth his mouth speak.

3 Thou hast proved my heart, Thou hast inspected by night, Thou hast tried me, Thou findest nothing; My thoughts pass not over my mouth.

4 As to doings of man, Through a word of Thy lips I have observed The paths of a destroyer;

5 To uphold my goings in Thy paths, My steps have not slidden.

10 A clean heart prepare for me, O God, And a right spirit renew within me.

23 Search me, O God, and know my heart, Try me, and know my thoughts,

24 And see if a grievous way be in me, And lead me in a way age-during!

46 and saith unto them, Set your heart to all the words which I am testifying against you to-day, that ye command your sons to observe to do all the words of this law,

Versículos sobre Guardar o Coração - Bíblia Online - YLT